How To Apply the Mod to Other Skins

These instructions will assume you have already downloaded and installed the version of the Match In-Between Highlights Skin you want to edit. If you haven't then visit this page to download the skin.

If you have a downloaded skin (or have one you have created yourself) that you want to add the mod to there are two methods:

1. You can copy the panels and graphics folders (if you are using the FMC version you will only have a panels folder to copy over) of the Match Highlights skin into the folder of the other skin you are using and if prompted replace any existing files, then load FM turn the skin cache off and reload your skin and the mod should now be applied to your skin.

2. Change the parent skin of the Highlights Mod to that of the skin you using.

To do this for the Match Highlights Dark Skin you'd open the 'ibh_dark2015.xml' file located inside the ibh_dark2015 folder and in the xml file locate this line:

<flags id="parent" value="fm dark" />

And change it to match the skin you want it to look like.

For example to get it to use the Base Skin as it's parent skin we'd change that line to read:

<flags id="parent" value="base_dark2015" />

The name of the skin you enter here is the name of the folder for the skin you want to use, which is located in your skins folder.

Once done load up FM and select the Match Highlights Skin in Football Manager 2015 and it should now look like your choosen skin outside of the matches and use the modified match highlights panels whilst within the match screens.

Note that if doing this causes issues with the skin then you will have to read the advanced instructions for skinners page, as the skin you are using will have modified some of the same files as the mod so you will need to edit some files manually to get the mod working with that skin.

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