I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I am also a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance at LSE. Here is my CV.

Research Interests

Labor Economics, Urban Economics


Education and Geographical Mobility: The Role of the Job Surplus

AEJ Economic Policy (forthcoming)

Latest draft

CEP Discussion Paper (2019)

Old CEP Discussion Paper (2015) with endogenous wages

Article on LSE's USAPP blog

The Contribution of Immigration to Local Labor Market Adjustment

Journal of Labor Economics (forthcoming)

Latest draft

CEP Discussion Paper (2020)

The Persistence of Local Joblessness (with Alan Manning)

American Economic Review, 108(7), 2018

Online Appendix

Article on LSE's USAPP blog

Podcast on The Ballpark

Do Households Use Homeownership to Insure Themselves? Evidence Across US Cities (with Jonathan Halket)

Quantitative Economics, 5(3), 2014

Working Papers

Immigration, Local Crowd-Out and Labor Market Effects

Latest draft

Previously circulated as "Immigration, Local Crowd-Out and Undercoverage Bias"

CEP Discussion Paper (2020)

Commuting, Migration and Local Joblessness (with Alan Manning)

Latest draft

CEP Discussion Paper (2019)

The Immigration Surplus Revisited (with Alan Manning)

Latest draft

Monopsony and the Wage Effects of Migration (with Alan Manning)

Revision requested at Economic Journal

Latest draft

CEP Discussion Paper (2020)

Immigration, Monopsony and the Distribution of Firm Pay (with Jan Stuhler)

Latest draft

The Impact of Migration in a Monopsonistic Labor Market: Theoretical Insights (2017)

Work in Progress

Heterogeneity and Hysteresis (with Mike Elsby and Axel Gottfries)

Public and Private Sector Wage Differentials: A Reinterpretation (with Momi Dahan and Muly San)

Policy Papers

Fiscal Sustainability of an Independent Scotland (with Rowena Crawford and Gemma Tetlow)

Institute for Fiscal Studies

Edinburgh launch covered by all major news outlets

The UK’s Public Finances in the Long Run: The IFS Model (with Rowena Crawford and Gemma Tetlow)

IFS Working Paper W13/29

Contact Details

Email: michael.amior(at)mail.huji.ac.il

Address: Department of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel