Myron J. Frankman
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law http://www.cisdl.org
Last partial update June 4, 2020. Links to be added
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NB: Links within some of the documents below point to sites which either no longer exist or for which access is no longer possible. I will endeavor to correct these. My apologies for the inconvenience.
World Democratic Federalism: Peace and Justice Indivisible (Houndmills & New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004)
Chapter Titles: 1. Our World, 2. Steering and Scale Change, 3. The Roads Not Taken,
4. World Public Finance, 5. Get Ready for a World Currency,
6. Worldwide Real Freedom for All, 7. Peace and Justice Indivisible
Erratum: p. 155, Table 6.1 -- delete % from Tax rate column heading
Papers, Presentations, Reviews
(2016) "Globalisation and Inequality in the Anthropocene," in Pavesh K. Chopra, ed. Globalisation and Labour Market Dynamics: Perpsectives, Polemics and Policies, Leeds, UK: Wisdom House, 41-55.
(2016) "Erring on the Side of Least Calamity: Basic Income and the Anthropocene," Presented at 15th Meeting of the Basic income Earth Network (BIEN), Seoul, Korea, July 2016.
(2014) "General vs Special Purpose Language: A Key to the [Polanyian] Double Movement" Presented at "The Enduring Legacy of Karl Polanyi" Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, Nov 8, 2014.
(2014) "Reframing the Discourse: From Restricted to Open Migration” Paper presented at "A 20 años del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte", UNAM, Mexico City" Jan. 23, 2014) Spanish version: “Replantear el discurso: De la restricción a la libre Migración” Ola Financiera, 19 (Sept-Dec), 77-86.
(2013) "The Post-2015 Millennium Development Goals: Will Rhetoric Outpace Commitment?"(slides, pdf). Presented to Montreal Branch, World Federalist Movement -- Canada, Jan. 27, 2013.
(2013) "Utopia or Oblivion: Shaping World Citizenship for the Anthropocene" (slides, pdf). Presented at 7th Biennial Conference of the US Society for Ecological Economics, Burlington, Vt., June 10. 2013.
(2013) "Globalization and Inequality in the Anthropocene" (pdf)
(2012) "Universalizing the Universal Declaration (of Human Rights)" (pdf). Presented at 14th Meeting of the Basic income Earth Network (BIEN) Munich, Germany, Sept 14-16, 2012. Revised, Sept 26, 2012.
(2012) "Social Protection Floors and the Post-2015 MillenniumDevelopment Goals: Perchance to Dream" (slides, pdf). Presented to Seminar Series, Institute for Health and Social Policy, McGill University, Nov. 28, 2012.
(2010) "NOOMI (Not Out of My Income) vs BIG (Basic Income Grant)" (slides, pdf). 13th World Congress of Social Economics, Montreal, July 1.
(2009) "The Accidental Developmentalist" My farewell lecture delivered on April 18, 2009
(2009) Review of Making the difference! The BIG in Namibia: Basic Income Grant Pilot Project Assessment Report, April 2009. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 29 (2010), 526-29
(2008) "Justice, Sustainability and Progressive Taxation and Redistribution: The Case for a World-Wide Basic Income" (pdf). Presented at the 12th Biennial Meeting of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), Dublin, Ireland, June.
(2007) Review of Yang, Yongzheng and Sanjeev Gupta, Regional Trade Arrangements in Africa
(2005) "A Planet-Wide Citizen’s Income: An Espousal" [Link to be fixed]
(2004) "Establishing & Sustaining Universal Programs in Canada: Winning Hearts and Minds" (pdf)
(2004) "Ample Room at the Top: Financing a Planet-Wide Basic-Income" (pdf)
(2002) "Funding a Planet-Wide Citizen's Income: Trial Calculations"
(2002) "A planet-wide citizen's income. Espousal and Estimates" (Word version)
(2002) "Global Taxation: Extending the Fractal" (pdf)
(2002) "Can European integration teach us anything about the prospects and optimal shape of global democratic federalism?" (pdf)
(2001) “From the Common Heritage of Mankind to a Planet-Wide Citizen's Income: Establishing the Basis for Solidarity”
(2001) "Beyond the Tobin Tax: Global Democracy and a Global Currency"
(2000) "From Domination to Partnership: Living Together on a Small Planet"
(1998) "Hemispheric Integration"
(1997) "No Global War? A Role for Democratic Global Federalism" Journal of World- Systems Research 3, no. 2
(1997) "Global Economy and Civil Society"
(1997) "Global Taxation: A Search for Generalizable Precedents"
(1997) "Planet-Wide Citizen's Income: Antidote to Global Apartheid"
(1995) Review of David Greenaway and Chris Milner, Trade and Industrial Policy in Developing Countries: A Manual of Policy Analysis, Journal of Developing Societies, 1995, no. 2.
(1994) "Catching the Bus for Global Development: Gerschenkron Revisited" Journal of World- Systems Research 1, no. 2
(1994) "International Taxation: The Trajectory of an Idea From Lorimer to Brandt" [Revised version available in World Development, 24 (May 1996), 807-820.]
(1993) "Fractals and the Common Heritage of Humanity"
(1992) "Global Income Redistribution: An Alternative Perspective on the Latin American Debt Problem," in A. Ritter, D. Pollock and M.A. Cameron, eds.. Latin America and the Caribbean to the Year 2000 (N.Y.: Praeger, 1992), pp. 41-51.
(1991) "North American Economic Cooperation: The Wartime Experience," Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 16, no. 2, 35-57.
(1990) "A Planetary Vision," Policy Options, 11 (April), 11-14.
(1990) "A Vision of the New Order"The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, 7 (Summer 1990), 127-29.
(1990) "Returning International Monetary Reform to the Agenda"
(1989) "The Costs of Cooperation: Latin American Wartime Exports to the U.S."
(1989) "The Region and the Globe: External Perspectives on 1992," École des Hautes Études Commerciales, CETAI Cahiers de recherche no. 89-09.
(1988) "Western Hemisphere Economic Cooperation: The United States and the Andean Countries During the Second World War"
(1983) "Employment and the Unperceived Advantages of Being a Latecomer," in A. Ritter and D. Pollock, eds., Latin American Prospects for the 1980s: Equity, Democratization, and Development (N.Y.: Praeger), 135-46.
(1982) "Sectoral Employment Patterns: North and South," LABOUR, Capital and Society, 15 (November), 86- 98.
(1981) (with Patricia O. Frankman) "Diplomacy: The Roots of Dependence," in Jorge Nef, ed., Repression and Liberation in Latin America: Proceedings of the 1980 Conference of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, pp.204-212.
(1979) "Hemispheric Integration: U.S.-Brazilian Economic Relations During World War II"
(1977) "Employment Policy for Colombia: Towards Full Employment and the Four Strategies,"Manpower and Unemployment Research, X (November), 33-44.
(1975) "The South American Crawl: Exchange Rate Variation in Developing Countries," McGill Centre for Developing Area Studies Working Papers, No.12 (August). Footnotes missing and tables require editing. (June 14, 2007)
(1975) "Foreign Exchange and Revolution: Peru, 1968-73," a paper presented at annual meeting of Canadian Association of Latin American Studies, Edmonton, May.
(1974) "Sectoral Policy Preferences of the Peruvian Government 1946-1968," Journal of Latin American Studies, VI (November), 289-300.
(1973) (with E.G. Charlé) "Employment in the Service Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa," Journal of Modern African Studies, XI (June), 201-10.
(1972) "Labor Migration in Less Developed Countries: Comment," Manpower and Unemployment Research in Africa: A Newsletter, V (April), 1-5.
(1972) "Response to Reply to Comment," Manpower and Unemployment Research in Africa: A Newsletter, V (November), 51. [Response by me to Reply by Michael Todaro to my Comment on his article on rural to urban migration in the American Economic Review, c. 1969.]
(1971) "Urbanization and Development in Latin America," Cahiers de Géographie de Québec, IV (September), 344-50.
(1971) "Financing International Cooperation: An Immodest Proposal" (pdf)
(1968) Export Promotion and Developmental Priorities in Peru, 1946-1965. PhD dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.
Other (including teaching and learning)
(1999) "Tennis, Anyone?" [On teaching and learning]
(1999) "The Un-Disciplined Mind: Imagination Unbound"
(1990, 1992, 1994, 1997)Poems on Learning (and Teaching)