Simone Melzi
University of Milano-Bicocca
Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication (DISCo)
Office 2017, Building U14
Viale Sarca 336, Milan, Italy
A complete list of my publications can be found in the specific section Publications
A short version of my CV can be found here (last updated November 2023).
My full CV can be found here (last updated November 2023).
I am an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the University of Milano-Bicocca, in the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication (DISCo).
I was a Post Doctoral researcher in Computer Science at the Sapienza University of Rome in the GLADIA group led by Emanuele Rodolà. Previously, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the École Polytechnique in the team of Prof. Maks Ovsjanikov (6 months) and at the Università Degli Studi di Verona (2018-2019). I received my PhD in Computer Science at Università Degli Studi di Verona (2018) and graduated in math at the University of Milan "La Statale" (2013).
I received The Marie-Curie Individual Fellowships and the Seal of Excellence for the H2020-MSCA-IF-EF-ST-2019 proposal NON-LINFMAPS, (score 92.20/100), the BE-FOR-ERC 2020 grant in the role of Principal Investigator as post Doctoral researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, the EG-Italy PhD thesis award (2018) and the Eurographics Young Researcher Award 2023. I am a member of the Junior Fellow of Eurographics and of the European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS). I work on geometry processing, 3D shape analysis and artificial intelligence. I maintain fruitful collaborations with many world leaders in this area both with academic institutions and companies.
Visual list of my publications
June 2024
Our paper "Reconstructing Curves from Sparse Samples on Riemannian Manifolds" with Filippo Maggioli, Michael Wimmer, Stefan Ohrhallinger, and Diana Marin has been accepted at the Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2024.
April 2024
Our paper on Complex Functional Maps was recognised as a top cited paper in the Computer Graphics Forum journal for the period 2022-2023.
January 2024
Luis F. Pereira started collaborating with us as a researcher at the University of Milano-Bicocca under the GEOPRIDE project.
December 2023
Filippo Maggioli started collaborating with us as a PostDoc at the University of Milano-Bicocca under the GEOPRIDE project.
November 2023
Giulio Viganò and Francesca Maccarone started their PhD at the University of Milano-Bicocca under my supervision.
October 2023
Giulio Viganò received the EGit Master Thesis Award.
June 2023
I received the PRIN 2022 Grant to support my research activity at the University of Milano-Bicocca for the project "GEOPRIDE: geometric primitive fitting and decomposition for 3D shapes representation" in collaboration with Luca Magri and the Politecnico di Milano.
Our paper "Attention And Positional Encoding Are (Almost) All You Need For Shape Matching" with Alessandro Raganato and Gabriella Pasi has been accepted at the Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2023.
During the week from 5th to 9th of June with Andrea Santilli and Luca Moschella we visited the Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX), École Polytechnique, (Paris, France) supported by the Galileo 2022 fellowship to improve the collaboration between the GLADIA team from the Sapienza University of Rome and the team of Maks Ovsjanikov at the École Polytechnique
Our paper Assessing "Craniofacial Growth and Form Without Landmarks" done in collaboration with Robin Magnet, and Maks Ovsjanikov, as well as the craniofacial surgeon and researcher Roman Khonsari and his group has been accepted in the Journal of Morphology.
May 2023
I gave the invited talk "Spectral geometry processing: how to exploit signals defined on geometric data for the matching task" at the Computer Science Workshop 2023 at Dibris, University of Genova
I received the Eurographics Young Researcher Award 2023. The EUROGRAPHICS Young Researcher Award 2023 for the outstanding and multi-faceted contribution to geometry processing and 3D shape analysis.
I have been selected as a Member of the Junior Fellow of Eurographics for the period 2023 to 2028.
I received the OUTSTANDING REVIEWERS award from ICML 2023.
I received the OUTSTANDING REVIEWERS award from CVPR 2023.
April 2023
Our Paper "Extracting a functional representation from a dictionary for non-rigid shape matching" with Michele Colombo and Giacomo Boracchi has been accepted in the Computer & Graphics journal.
February 2023
I received the Italian Habilitation as Associate Professor in Information Processing Systems (09/H1 - ASN 2021) and in Computer Science (01/B1 - ASN 2021).
November 2022
Our Paper "PC-GAU: PCA Basis of Scattered Gaussians for Shape Matching via Functional Maps" with Michele Colombo and Giacomo Boracchi has been presented at STAG 2022 and received the best paper award.
October 2022
I received the Premio Giovani Talenti dell'Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca 2022. Young research award under the patronage of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
July 2022
Our Paper "MoMaS: Mold Manifold Simulation for Real-time Procedural Texturing " with Filippo Maggioli, Riccardo Marin and Emanuele Rodolà has been accepted at Pacific Graphics 2022.
June 2022
Our Paper "Localized Shape Modelling with Global Coherence: An Inverse Spectral Approach" with Marco Pegoraro, Umberto Castellani, Riccardo Marin and Emanuele Rodolà has been accepted at SGP 2022.
May 2022
I received the OUTSTANDING REVIEWERS award from CVPR 2022.
March 2022
I received the NVIDIA ACADEMIC HARDWARE GRANT, to support the work and help make the project a success as a principal investigator for the project: "Learned representations for implicit binary operations on real-world 2D-3D data".
February 2022
Our paper "Spectral Unions of Partial Deformable 3D Shapes" has been accepted at Eurographics 2022.
I start my new position as Assistant Professor (RTDB - tenure track) at the University of Milano-Bicocca, in the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication (DISCo).
January 2022
Our paper "Complex Functional Maps: a Conformal Link Between Tangent Bundles" with Nicolas Donati, Etienne Corman and Maks Ovsjanikov has been accepted in the Computer Graphics Forum journal.
December 2021
Our team from the Sapienza University of Rome and the team of Maks Ovsjanikov at the École Polytechnique (Paris, France) received the Galileo 2022 fellowship to improve our collaboration.
November 2021
I was selected for the position of Assistant Professor (RTDB - tenure track) at the University of Milano-Bicocca, in the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication (DISCo). I will start this new role in February 2022.
PRIN 2022 for the project "GEOPRIDE: geometric primitive fitting and decomposition for 3D shapes representation"
Premio Giovani Talenti dell'Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca 2022 under the patronage of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
NVIDIA ACADEMIC HARDWARE GRANT 2022 in the role of Principal Investigator.
BE-FOR-ERC 2020 grant in the role of Principal Investigator as post Doctoral researcher at Sapienza University of Rome.
Marie-Curie Individual Fellowships for the H2020-MSCA-IF-EF-ST-2019 proposal NON-LINFMAPS, (score 92.20/100) .
Seal of Excellence for the H2020-MSCA-IF-EF-ST-2019 proposal NON-LINFMAPS, (score 92.20/100).