Melinda C. Miller

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Core Faculty, Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
Virginia Tech
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Assimilation and Economic Performance:  The Case of Federal Indian Policy

“No Right of Citizenship”: The 1863 Emancipation Acts of the Loyal Cherokee Council, Joint with Rachel Purvis (Revise and resubmit at Journal of American History)

Selection and Historical Height Data: Evidence from the 1892 Boas Sample of the Cherokee Nation (Explorations in Economic History, Volume 61, July 2016)

Dawes Cards and Indian Census Data, Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 48, Issue 4,2015

Land and Racial Wealth Inequality AmericanEconomic Review P&P, 101(3): 371-76

Destroyed by Slavery?:” The Effect of Slavery on Post-Emancipation Family Formation (Demography,55, pages 1587–1609 (2018)

“The One Thing Needful:” Free Land and Black Mobility, 1880-1900

“The Righteous and Reasonable Ambition for Forty Acres and a Mule:” Land and Racial Inequality in the Postbellum South  (Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Economics and Statistics 102 (2), 381-394)


Between Slavery and Capitalism: The Legacy of Emancipation in the American South”(Princeton University Press, 2014) by Martin Ruef, Journal of Southern History, Vol. 82, No. 2, May 2016.

"Trail Sisters: Freedwomen in Indian Territory, 1850-1890” (Texas Tech University Press,2013) by Linda Williams Reese, History: Reviews of New Books, Vol. 43, Issue 1, 2015

"‘Face Value: The Entwined Histories of Moneyand Race in America,’ by Michael O’Malley," TheJournal of Economic History, 73, pp 885-887

‘Cotton and Race in the Making of America: The Human Costs of Economic Power,’ by GeneDattel,



"Cherokee Nation policies after the Civil War show that reparations work"  in Made by History, Washington Post, May 24, 2021

“The Cherokees Free Their Slaves” in Disunion, New York Times, February 17, 2013 (joint with Rachel Purvis)

“Doctor, Teacher, Soldier, Spy” in Disunion, New York Times, December 18, 2013 (joint with Rachel Purvis)


"Primary Sources," The Atlantic, March 2008.

"Would it have helped to give free slaves land?" Marginal Revolution, Dec. 11. 2007.

"A Plot of Land, a Path to Freedom," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Feb. 29, 2012.