Welcome to my web-page! I'm a Transport Economist at the World Bank in Washington DC. Earlier, I was a Researcher at vti, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute. I got my PhD (2013) in Transport Economics from the Technical University of Denmark. I was also a visiting PhD student at the Institute of Transport Studies, University of Leeds. Previously, I worked as a junior researcher at the VU University of Amsterdam, Spatial Economics Dept. and as an air transport expert at the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority. I live in Germantown, MD with my wife Eyerusalem Siba and lovely daughters Debi and Lael.
Peer-reviewed publications
[1] "Government support to airlines in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic" Abate, M.; P. Christidis, A. Purwanto . Journal of Air Transport Management (2020) 89, 101931
[2] "The impact of air transport market liberalization: Evidence from EU's external aviation policy" Abate, M.; P. Christidis. Economics of Transportation (2020) 22, 100164
[3]"A dis-aggregate stochastic freight transport model for Sweden". Abate, M.; Inge Vierth, Karlsson, R., de Jong, G., Baak, J. Transportation (2019) 46:671.
[4] "Effects of Air Transport Market Liberalization in the East African Community", Abate, M. : Kincaid, I. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (2018) 19:427-445.
[5] "The Economic Effects of Progressive Air Transport Liberalization in Africa". Abate, M. Transportation Research Part A (2016)
[6] "Determinants of Capacity Utilization in Road Freight Transport", Abate, M. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (2014) 48(1).
[7] "The optimal shipment size and truck size choice- the allocation of trucks across hauls" Abate, M. and de Jong, G. Transportation Research Part A (2014)., 59(1).
[8] "The impact of reliability on the productivity of railroad companies" Abate, M., Lijesen, M., Pels, E., & Roelevelt, A. (2013). Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2013)., 51, 41- 49.
[9] "Capacity Utilization of Vehicles Used for Road Freight Transportation: a review" Abate, M. and Kveiborg, O. (2013). Chapter in Ben-Akiva, M.E., Meersman, H. & Voorde, E.V. de eds., 2013. Freight Transport Modelling, Emerald.
Policy papers
[1] "Economic Effects of EU's External Aviation Policy" (2017) (with Christidis Panayotis, EU Commission Joint Research Center - Scientific and Technical Research Reports)
[2] "Costs and Benefits of "Open Skies" in the East African Community" (2017)( with InterVistas)
Working Papers
[1] "Joint econometric models of freight transport chain and shipment size choice" (Abate, M.; Vierth, I.; de Jong,G.) Scandinavia Working Papers in Economics S-WoPEc (2014:9)
[2] "Does Fuel Price Affect Trucking Industry’s Network Characteristics ? Evidence from Denmark" Abate, M. Scandinavia Working Papers in Economics S-WoPEc (2014:26)
[3] "Suitable electromobility for commercial transport" (SELECT)
[4] "Determinants of truck capacity utilization – the case of Turkey" Rich, J; Fayyaz, M; Abate, M; Tuydes-Yaman, H.; Ozen, M (2016)
[1] "Strategies for Regulation of Air Cargo in Ethiopia" Abate, M. (2007) Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority Policy Papers"