Welcome to my personal web page


                             ABOUT ME...

        You can call me either "Diarra" or "Mame Diarra", but not "Mame".

I was born in Dakar (Senegal), the nicest city of Africa.

I joined the University of Amiens (France) where I was post-graduated in theoretical Mathematics.

Afterwards, I received a Master research degree in Data processing from the UVSQ, UPMC & Telecom Sud Paris

I obtained my PHD degree in Image processing from the University Paris Saclay.

From 2007 to 2011, I did my doctoral research in the Laboratory of Modeling Simulation and Systems at CEA (French  Atomic Energy Commission), and in the Laboratory of Signals and Systems (Supélec), in collaboration with Frédéric Joliot Hospital Service.

     In 2008-2010, I was teaching assistant in Statistics and    

      Numerical Analysis at ENSIIE Evry. 

From 2011 to 2013, I was assistant professor in Mathematics at the University Paris Descartes.  

Since September 2013, I am associate professor in Mathematics at the University of Orleans.

To know more about my research, teaching and responsabilities, feel free to visit the rest of the website.

Have a nice visit!

                    Mame Diarra FALL

                 Associate Professor  of Mathematics.

          Co-responsible of Master  "Applied Mathematics, Statistics


                              Email:  diarra.fall[ at ]univ-orleans.fr

                             Tél.: (+33) 2 38 41 72 33 

                             Bureau:  B11 , RDC du Bât de Maths.

 Adresse:   Institut Denis Poisson, Université d'Orléans,  Bât. de Mathématiques  Rue de Chartres,  BP. 6759- 45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France.

               Forthcoming events:    

                    Some talks I'm invited to give:    

                       Some events I (co)-organize(d): 
