Short CV

2022- : I also hold a position as a researcher at Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

2014- : Faculty member in the Institute of Physics and Korteweg-de Vries Institute of Mathematics, University of Amsterdam

2012- : Chargé de Recherche du CNRS (IMJ, Paris)

2010-2011: Postdoc at Harvard University, Department of Mathematics

2008-2010: Postdoc at Harvard University, Physics Department

2008: PhD in Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam (advisor: Erik Verlinde, co-advisor: Kostas Skenderis)

2003: MSc in Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University (supervisor: Gerard 't Hooft)

2001: BSc in Physics, National Taiwan University

Born in Taipei, Taiwan.

PhD Thesis (adviser Prof. E Verlinde): The Spectra of Supersymmetric States in String Theory

Main personal grants: 

ERC Starting Grant 2015, NWO Vidi Grant 2018, AS Investigator Award 2022, NWO Vici Grant 2024