- mcafee product activation

MCAFEE ACTIVATION - activate Mcafee with activation code

    1. Open the browser and enter URL
    2. Enter the purchased 25 digit mcafee product key on the appeared box and submit it.
    3. Install the Mcafee setup and scan your device.

How to redeem Mcafee product key and activate mcafee subscription?

    1. Open the web browser on your system and go to the link: (Shown on your retail card).
    2. Select your country and language.
    3. NOTE: On the registration page, try to select the correct region, sometimes it might not always get correct. Please make sure that the region is right before you continue.
    4. Type: The activation code from your mcafee retail card.
    5. Copy the code from your Email Address.
    6. Click Submit.
    7. If prompted, Please make sure the Email Address you have entered is correct. If your email address is incorrect:
    8. Click Edit to return to the previous screen.
    9. Correct your email address.
    10. Click Verify.
    11. Your subscription is now activated.
    12. Follow the instructions give on-screen to create a McAfee activation account and install your McAfee antivirus software.

Download Mcafee Online

    1. Click on the “My Account” option.
    2. Select the ” McAfee product subscription” option.
    3. Tap on the “Download” button.
    4. You wiill see Terms and Conditions page
    5. Read it carefully and click on "I Agree" button.

Activate mcafee within software

    1. Open the McAfee program.
    2. Tap on the “Your Subscription” option.
    3. Click on the “Edit Profile” option.
    4. You will get the McAfee site on the desktop for completing the pending procedure.
    5. Type the email address and password.
    6. Click on the “Next” button.
    7. Ensure that the McAfee account password you are creating should be strong enough so that it will not be guessable to anyone.
    8. Enter the 25 digit mcafee activation code.
    9. Tap on the “Activate Now” button.