Marta M. Betcke
Professor of Scientific Computing
University College London
Dept. of Computer Science
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom
Office: 90 High Holborn
Tel: +44 (0)20 3549 5568 (Direct Dial)
Internal: 65568
Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 1397
Email: M.Betcke (at) ucl.ac.uk
I am Professor of Scientific Computing in the Department of Computer Science at the University College London. I am also a member of Centre for Inverse Problems and Centre for Medical Image Computing.
Between 2010 and 2013, I held an EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship "Image Reconstruction: the Sparse Way" at UCL to investigate the implications of sparsity on image acquisition and reconstruction in different modalities. Before coming to UCL in the end of 2009, I was a PDRA in the School of Mathematics at the University of Manchester working on novel X-ray CT scanners for airport baggage screening.
My interest is in broad areas of Inverse Problems, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing and Machine Learning. In particular in numerical solution of inverse problems, tomographic image reconstruction, tailored PDE solvers for use in inverse iterations (PDE based forward problems), compressed sensing, sparsity and compression, applied harmonic analysis and machine learning. I enjoy working on mathematical problems which arise from real life applications. Presently, I am particularly interested in methods which rigorously combine numerical analysis with machine learning to leverage available data .
PhD opportunities: I am always looking for mathematically minded PhD students . I am a supervisor in FAI and i4Health CDTs, which provide competitive funding opportunities. Also sometimes have independently funded projects. Contact me to discuss up to date opportunities .
What's up?
INI Rich and Nonlinear Inverse Problems,@ Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, Jan-Jun 2023
PhD studentship in Imaging Foot and Ankle Dynamics (finished).
IMA Inverse Problems @ Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, 19-21 September 2017
LMS Inverse Day (topic TBA) @ Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, 18 September 2017
Upcoming ATI workshop "Inverse Problems in Data Science", 8-10 May 2017 joint with LMS Inverse Day, 11 May 2017 (with Natalia Bochkina, Carola Schoenlieb, Sean Holman)
Upcoming minisymposium "Numerical Microlocal Analysis" @ 100 years Radon transform, Linz 27-31 March 2017 (with Juergen Frikel)
Bath thematic semester on imaging, Spring 2017
EPSRC funded Inverse Problems Network (Coordinator: Malcolm Brown) December 2016 - December 2017
Upcoming LMS Inverse Day "Geometric Inverse Problems" @ Manchester 28 February 2017 (with Natalia Bochkina, Sean Holman)
SIAM UKIE Annual meeting, 12 January Glasgow, 2017
LMS funded Inverse Day series (with Natalia Bochkina, Sean Holman)
New course: Numerical Optimisation running first time in term 2 in 2016/17.
Welcome to our first cohort of MSc Scientific Computing students 2016/2017.
Upcoming minisymposium "Imaging in the Fast Lane: In the Pursuit of Dynamic Information" @ SIAM IS 2016 (with Felix Lucka)
Inverse Problems in the Alps, Obergurgl, 15-19 March 2016
Theoretical and Computational Approaches to Inverse Problems, ICMS, Edinburgh, 2-4 December 2015
Upcoming minisymposium "Recent Trends in Hybrid Tomography" at AIP 2015 (with Simon Arridge and Kim Knudsen)
LMS Inverse Day on Learning in Inverse Problems, 9th January 2015, UCL, London
IPTA, Bristol, 26-28 August 2014
LMS Inverse Day on Hybrid and Multi-Modal Imaging, 4 July 2014, Manchester, UK
Upcoming minisymposium at SIAM IS 2014 (with Carola Schoenlieb, Cambridge)
Lorentz Centre workshop "Advanced X-Ray Tomography: Experiment, Modeling, and Algorithms" (10-14 Feb 2014, Leiden, Netherlands)
LMS Meeting "Sparse Regularization for Inverse Problems", 7 Feb 2014, Cambridge, UK
Opening meeting of the UCL Centre for Inverse Problems
Centre for Inverse Problems @ UCL Town Meeting, with a renown guest speaker Prof Gunther Uhlmann
Our joint Manchester University and Rapiscan project scores the The Engineer Technology & Innovation 2010 Defence & Security Award, here it the official University of Manchester press release
Read about my Fellowship @ The Engineer