Markus Baldauf
B.I. Ghert Family Foundation
Associate Professor of Finance
University of British Columbia
Sauder School of Business
[CV] [UBC] [FTG] [Google Scholar]
Bank of Canada [Governor's Award] recipient 2024-25 [photo]
Working Papers
[»] Do Politicians Profit from Real Estate? (with Jack Favilukis, Lorenzo Garlappi, and Keling Zheng)
[10] Block Trade Contracting (with Christoph Frei and Joshua Mollner), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 160 (October 2024), Art. 103901. [Internet Appendix] [SSRN] [Slides]
Best Paper Award Semifinalist (FMA, 2022)
Accepted for presentation at EC'23 [extended abstract]
Media: Kellogg Insight
[9] Competition and Information Leakage (with Joshua Mollner), Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 132, No. 5 (May 2024), pp. 1603–1641. [SSRN] [Slides]
[8] Siphoned Apart: A Portfolio Perspective on Order Flow Segmentation (with Joshua Mollner and Bart Zhou Yueshen), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 154 (April 2024), Art. 103807. [Slides]
Media: INSEAD Knowledge
[7] Principal Trading Arrangements: When Are Common Contracts Optimal? (with Christoph Frei and Joshua Mollner), Management Science, Vol. 68, No. 4 (April 2022), pp. 3112–3128. [Internet Appendix] [SSRN]
Best Paper in Asset Pricing (SFS Cavalcade North America, 2019 [photo])
[6] Fast Traders Make a Quick Buck: The Role of Speed in Liquidity Provision (with Joshua Mollner), Journal of Financial Markets, Vol. 58 (March 2022), Art. 100621. [Internet Appendix] [SSRN]
Lead Article
[5] Trading in Fragmented Markets (with Joshua Mollner), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 56, No. 1 (February 2021), pp. 93-121. [Internet Appendix] [SSRN]
Best Market Microstructure Paper (Northern Finance Association, 2015 [photo])
[4] High-Frequency Trading and Market Performance (with Joshua Mollner), Journal of Finance, Vol. 75, No. 3 (June 2020), pp. 1495-1526. [Internet Appendix] [SSRN] [Slides]
Media: Kellogg Insight, Science Daily,,, VoxEU, John Lothian News
Policy: SEC comment letter on Cboe's Liquidity Provider Protection delay
[3] Does Climate Change Affect Real Estate Prices? Only if You Believe In It (with Lorenzo Garlappi and Constantine Yannelis), Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33 (March 2020), pp. 1256-1295.
Media: PBS, The Conversation, Science Daily, MarketWatch, Market Business News, Nexus Media, Huffington Post, Anthropocene
Policy: mentioned in the White House, Economic Report of the President (ERP) 2023
[2] Pedaling Peers: The Effect of Targets on Performance (with Joshua Mollner), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 167 (November 2019), pp. 90-103. [SSRN]
[1] On the Use of Robust Regression in Econometrics (with João M.C. Santos Silva), Economics Letters, Vol. 114, No. 1 (January 2012), pp. 124-127.
Media: Econometrics Beat
Older Work
[»] Supergames with States (with Kenneth L. Judd, Joshua Mollner, and Şevin Yeltekin)
[»] Microsoft v Commission: A Pricing Perspective on Non-Price Abuses (with Derek Ridyard), Microsoft on Trial: Legal and Economic Analysis of a Transatlantic Antitrust Case, Luca Rubini, ed., 2010, pp. 369-392 (ch.12).