60th Reunion

By any measurement, our recent 60th year class reunion was a huge success. The Regency Hotel was a perfect setting with its large and airy Atrium Room. Everyone spoke very favorably about the delicious food. But the best part of the day was simply renewing old friendships.

One big surprise was the appearance of two classmates whom we hadn 't seen in at least 40 years: Paul Lukashuk and Barry Palmaccio! Out-of-staters coming from afar included Floridians Carol Raikunen. Elaine Mariano Massarelli. and Jim Murphy with wife Marcia. Barrie Sue Caruso with husband Tony were up from Georgia.

We had two tables full of memorabilia which was then distributed to classmates at the end of the day. Thus, our printed history is now in the hands of about 20 classmates who vowed to keep them safe.

Seated L-R: Paul Lukashuk, Barry Heinonen, Carol Raikunen, Barrie Sue McMahon Caruso, Fred Horstkotte, Barry Palmaccio, Jerry Dee

Middle: Joe Lattuca, Peter Waldron, Patrick Donahue, Tom Lydon, Harry Hatch, Jim Spratt, Jim Murphy, Walter Reynolds, Betty Tompkins Lowe, Elaine Mariano Massarelli

Top: Janice Murphy Troisi, Gloria Konowicz Spratt, Greta Kansanniva Stamm, Don Crowther, Judy Martino MacDonald, Karen Sousa Flynn, Judy DeGrappo Boyko

Walter Reynolds, Betty Lowe

L-R Jim Spratt, Gloria Spratt, Greta Stamm, Karen Flynn, Betty Lowe

Gloria Spratt, Barry Palmaccio

Jerry Dee, Buddy Reynolds

Andy Boyko, Linda Taylor, Jerry Dee, Jim Spratt, Gloria Spratt, Greta Stamm

Buddy Reynolds, wife Marcia, Elaine Massarelli

Fred Horstkotte

Joe Lattuca (back to camera), Ed Troisi

A bunch of people