Mini Reunion - 2019

Post date: Jun 25, 2019 2:46:02 PM

And the spirit of the Maynard High School Class of 1961 continues to live on! Twenty three classmates were in attendance at our latest gathering on June 21 at the Blue Coyote Pub in Maynard (see group photo below). The food and drinks were good and the conversations among classmates was nonstop. Sure, it's been 58 years since we graduated but it seemed like only yesterday as we continued on with our reminiscing.

Roy Gould called in from Delaware and chatted with several classmates. All in all, a great day! Joan Wheeler Farren, Janice Murphy Troisi and Gail Hellawell Sloan were planning to attend but medical issues kept them home. We wish them a speedy recovery.

Moving forward, we discussed thoughts on next year and then our 60th in 2021. For next year, we'll just try to have a local reunion centered around any out-of-stater coming to visit in the Maynard area. Please let us know if you plan to come this way next summer or fall.

As for our 60th, the general consensus seemed to be a more upscale affair such as holding it at some venue like the Wayside Inn in Sudbury. We've got plenty of time to think about that. Please send in your ideas and comments for the 60th.

We were taking candid photos during the day, but they all came out poor because of the dark interior of the pub.

The group photo below was taken by Pat Crotty's wife Wanda. The Mill at the corner of Main and Walnut is in the background. Group photo, left to right: Patrick Crotty, Barry Heinonen, Peter Braunert, Janet Lindquist Black, Walter "Buddy" Reynolds, Judy DeGrappo Boyko, Joe Lattuca, Jerry Dee, Michael Sczerzen, Karen Carson, Judy Martino MacDonald, Greta Kansanniva Stamm, Jim Spratt, Ann Marie Martucci, Gloria Konowicz Spratt, Walter Sarvela, Toni Nelson Harrison, Karen Soroka Anderson, Alan Bariteau, Dotty Morrison Noyes, Tom Quinn, Betty Tompkins Lowe. Missing from photo but in attendance: Carol DeRosa Viola, Barri Sue McMahon Caruso.