Mini-reunion May 10, 2023

We held a mini on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at Crossroads Cafe in Acton. Attending were Tom Quinn and wife Terri who were up from Florida visiting Tom's son; Pete and Ellie Waldron; Karen Sousa Flynn; Judy Martino MacDonald; Greta Kansanniva Stamm; Toni Nelson Harrison; Betty Tompkins Lowe; and Jerry Dee. Everytime any of us classmates get together, the time just whisks away. More than two hours later, we left, only to continue reminiscing in the parking lot for another 20 minutes. 

Below are a few photos from the day: (Visible: Tom Quinn; Ellie (Hearon) Waldron at head of table); Judy M., Greta; Toni)

Tom with wife Terri