Bobby Taylor visit and MHS Athletic Hall of Fame induction

Post date: Nov 25, 2019 5:06:56 PM

This past weekend was a memorable time! As you recall, Bobby was in town from California to be inducted into the MHS Athletic Hall of


The weekend started off with a luncheon at the Blue Coyote in Maynard. We spent a couple of hours just chatting and catching up. There's one photo of the luncheon below. L-R: Tom Q, Karen Carson, :Linda Taylor (Burt's wife), Bobby, Jerry, Barry H, Betty, Judy M, and Carol V.

The induction ceremony itself was like a true Maynard reunion, with class members from the 50s through today (is today called the 20s?) There were nine individuals and two teams inducted. Each inductee was called on to give a brief speech summarizing their thoughts and memories while at MHS. In a great show of support, classmates Judy M,

Greta, Toni, Betty, Barry H, and Jerry were in attendance for which Bobby was thankful. Also attending was Bobby's son Nathaniel, Burt's wife Linda and her two brothers and David Niemi and wife who all were great friends of Burt. A few photos of the evening are also below.