55th year reunion a great success!

A total of 46 people attended our 55th year reunion on Saturday, Sept 17, 2016 held at the Maynard Golf Course. By all accounts, the food was great as was the venue itself. It seemed like old times, with much talk and reminiscing going on throughout the night. Pat Crotty and Judy Martino MacDonald conducted a Maynard trivia quiz which got everyone involved.

Kneeling (l-r) Jerry Dee, Walter Reynolds, Pat Crotty.

First Row (l-r) Karen Carson, Dotty Morrison-Noyes, Toni (Nelson )Harrison, Gloria Konowicz Spratt, Betty Tompkins Lowe, Ann Marie Martucci, Frances Marsh.

Middle Row (l-r) Carolyn Harding, Barri McMahon Caruso, Joan Wheeler Farren, Judy Martino MacDonald, Greta Kansanniva Stamm, Carol DeRosa Viola, Karen Soroka Anderson, Jan Murphy Troisi, Janet Lindquist Black, Don Crowther.

Back Row (l-r) Fred Horstkotte, Ken Troisi, Jim Spratt, Joe Lattuca, Joe Starr, Judy DeGrappo Boyko, Mike Szcerzen, Tom Lydon, Barry Heinonen, Richie Clark.


Classmate Cynthia (Duley) Staples passed away in April. Following is the link to her obituary:



We received word that our classmate John Clair passed away in December, 2015. No details were available.


Classmate Burt Taylor passed away on Nov. 25 following a massive heart attack. We are deeply saddened and at a loss to find words to help in our grief. Burt was an accomplished pianist, a great athlete, and a true gentleman. He also was the catalyst in bringing us together for our planned 55th year reunion in September, 2016.


55th Year Reunion planned for September 17, 2016. The location has been changed to Maynard Golf Course. More details will be coming in the spring/summer of 2016. If you are on email and haven't received notifications, please send your email address to one of the people listed on the home page of this site.


Two mini reunions held in June, 2015:

There was a mini mini reunion on June 6th as Arlene Chyzus Rushe was in town for a brief visit. Judy DeGrappo Boyko organized a last minute reunion and it was a great day as most of us hadn't seen Arlene since high school. She has lived in different parts of the country and could never make our past reunions. However, the small group that gathered got caught up with Arlene's life as we spent about two and a half hours gabbing at the Blue Coyote Restaurant in Maynard. In some respects, it's as if we just saw Arlene; she's the same person we remember in school - very friendly and personable. Below is a photo of that mini mini.

Left to right: Jerry Dee, Greta Kansanniva Stamm, Ann Marie Martucci, Judy DeGrappo Boyko, Arlene, Carol DeRosa Viola, and Betty Tompkins Lowe.

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