Robert Hannon

3 Grissom Circle F
ranklin MA 02038B

Hello to all my 1961 classmates. Where did the years go. It seems like yesterday we were marching to Pomp and Circumstance in the high school gym!

After working my second summer at Ericksons I attended the University of New Hampshire for one semester after which I decided to take some time off from college to decide what I really wanted to do with my life. I took a "temporary" job at Raytheon in Wayland in March of 1962. The rest is history! I never left Raytheon and retired 43 years later on March 31, 2005. At Raytheon I worked my way up within the Documentation Department and eventually became Department Manager. I met my wife Kathleen McIndoe at Raytheon. She briefly worked in my department and was promoted to the Purchasing Department. Kathy worked her way up the ladder and eventually became a Senior Subcontract Specialist. She traveled for Raytheon frequently to Canada, Europe and within the United States. Kathy also retired with me in March of 2005 at the age of 55. We will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary on April 24,2011. We will be off to Maine for a week to celebrate.

Over the years we have loved to travel on our vacations. Paris, France is our favorite destination having traveled there 11 times. High School French came in handy there! We have also traveled to other European countries, Italy Switzerland, Austria, England, Germany, Holland, Denmark and Ireland. Within the US California has been one of our favorites. Bermuda has been our island of choice having vacationed there on our honeymoon and several times after. Close friends of ours live in Houston, Texas where we visit occasionally.

We were never fortunate enough to have children to dote on so we have always had dogs to share our lives. Currently we have two, one Yorkshire Terrier and one Maltesepoo. They both keep us busy! We have lived in Franklin since 1973 and had previously lived in Marlboro during the first two years of our marriage.

The last reunion I attended was the 15th at the Maynard Elks. I hope to attend our 50th in September.

Hope to see you all in September!