Mary Lee Darcy

Deceased 1991

I write this in loving memory of my cousin and dear friend Mary Lee.

- Judy

Lee graduated from Northeastern University with a BA in Psychology. She was employed at Digital Equipment Corp as a benefits administrator. But once her son was born he became the central focus in her life. If you can believe it, his hair is even redder than Lee’s!

Always the athlete, Lee taught aerobics and kept in shape running 4-5 miles a day. Her creative juices led her to painting and crafts. I have one of her art projects hanging in my home. She was very proud of her home and did a marvelous job decorating it.

Mary Lee was a wonderful person, wife, mother and daughter. Her son Jason was the joy of her life and her husband Jim a true partner in love and life. Jason was going into his junior year in high school when Lee passed away. Lee’s son Jason is now 33 years old. He has been married to Erin for 6 years. They live in Stoneham MA and have two children, Connor 3 years old and Jack 1 year old.

Lee’s first cancer diagnosis was in 1977. She was cancer free for 14 years and then suddenly in 1990 it resurfaced. She put up a valiant fight but the cancer won out.

Lee was a caring and loving person. A devoted daughter she cared for her mother until she passed away. While she was fighting for her life, she also counseled me as my son battled cancer and then again during my divorce. Right up until the end she gave me comfort and advice that helped me immensely.

Before her illness Lee was actively involved in planning our class reunions. Lee I miss you with all my heart and I wish we were sharing the planning of our 50th class reunion.