Kenneth Troisi

619 Tanglewood Street
Daytona Beach FL 32114

"When I was seventeen it was a very good year.......but now the days are short and I'm in the autumn of my years."

Good old Frank Sinatra, as well as others, called it right in their songs. It seems like yesterday.... We should consider ourselves lucky to have made it this far, many of our classmates and friends were not as fortunate. I feel I have been blessed not with wealth or material things, but that all my children have been successful in their lives Kim (Engineering Consultant ) Ken (Florida State Park Manager) Jim ( US Air Force) and Sue (Respiratory Therapist) and they have provided several enjoyable grandchildren. I live part time in Daytona Beach and on my power boat in Key West. I do manage some fishing, snorkeling, scuba, cruising, and sailing. I am still seeking lost treasure.