John Ketola

Deceased December, 2014

96 North Shore Drive
Stow MA 01775

Married to my best friend Mary for 43 years now. We have 4 Children: Eino, who is married to Amy and have a son, Jesse (1) we call him "Jebo", their second child is due in December; Karl, married to Sarah; Abby, married to Patrick and they have two daughters, Kelly (3-1/2) and Ashley ( 2); and daughter, Anna, soon to be married. We still live on Lake Boon in Stow. I enjoy hunting and fishing with my sons and daughters; although it's getting harder to keep up!! It's great being a Grandparent and we enjoy all of our Grandchildren. My Grandaughters call me "Bumpy"! I've retired from my painting business (well, almost) Still keep pretty busy with all sorts of things. Mary and I have traveled to Belize twice for vacation in the last two years.

Hoping to see all my remaining classmates at the 50th!