Joan (Wheeler) Farren

1 Fairway Drive
Palmyra VA 22963 (updated June, 2014)

It took me 12 years to complete my Bachelor's degree (a slow learner) and 18 months to finish my Master's at Lesley College. I enjoyed 27 years working in education, yet joyfully retired in 2003. I continue to hike, kayak, roller blade and have been riding a bicycle for sixty-two years now. Jim and I have one son and a seventeen year old grandson.

My favorite memories of Maynard are not of school, I never liked structure and routine, but of the freedom we had to just go off and do what we wanted. I remember taking off on bikes with Virginia, Judy and Arlene with only one request, "Be home for dinner!" One day we rode through Maynard, Stow, Bolton, Harvard, and Acton. How fortunate we were to have such freedom! The other 'fave" is the "after football" parties at the Quinn's and Tompkin's.

I continue to travel any chance I get. Now that we live in Central Virginia, two of the places I travel to often are Maine and Massachusetts. Jim and I have paddled through the Grand Canyon ("Grand" is not a strong enough word for this area) and kayaked off Baja Norte. This fall I volunteered for a month at Maho Bay Camps on St.John, USVI for the sixth year. I love the heat and humidity and all the folks that I have spent time with snorkeling, hiking and kayaking (and drinking rum). Virginia (Rizzo) Cueto and I have recently traveled to Italy and Florida. Our time together is as if we never have been apart. Annie Fraser and I have also spent quality time vacationing over the years.

When not traveling, I garden. Along with a team of Master Gardeners, we supply produce for the local food bank. This year we donated one ton of produce!