Janet (McGarry) Wattu

11 Birch Street, Unit 106

Milford MA 01757

go_pats_Z845@charter.net (daughter Laura's email)

Married Bo 47 yrs. ago. Have 2 daughters. Laura lives in Upton, Ma. w/husband Jeremy and is a controller at the Waters Corp. in Milford. Debbie lives in Winston Salem, N.C. w/husband Gil and our granddaughters. She was teaching 1st grade until the girls started arriving. Jessica is 9 and Erin is 7.

I "retired" in the mid 90's after being downsized by Compaq after they took over DEC. Bo retired in 02 so we've been able to come & go as we please for a while now.

Pastimes are reading, gardening, and volunteer work w/my church.

Love visiting the grand-kids & vacationing. Disney World w/both daughters’ families last summer was one of the best.

See you all in Sept.