Janet (Lindquist) Black

235 West 56th Street, #17G (updated May, 2014)
New York, NY 10019


Hello - after 50 years! That should be a joke. How did so much time get by?

My mother and a sister and a brother still live in Maynard (my father died in 2007, at age 89). My visits there were always fit into long weekends & holidays, during full-schedule working and family years.

What have I done in all this time? I married Dr. Ira Black, a neurologist, who became a neuroscientist and stem-cell researcher. We had one son, Reed who is a sound engineer. Ira died at age 64 in 2006 - a painful loss to his family and to the world of science. Reed and his wife Jenny (a doctor) live in New York City on the opposite side of Central Park from me. We lived here during Reed's childhood - then moved out to Princeton, NJ when he was 11 - and now I'm transitioning back to the city.

I became a child psychotherapist in 1991. I still practice one day a week. I also wrote and published some short stories (the first was set in Maynard) back in the 80's and recently some poetry. My website is www.janetlindquistblack.com.

I do travel. I just returned from two weeks in Prague - a beautiful eastern European city that was not bombed in World War II - and so preserves its magnificent old architecture. I've been to India, Cuba and Cambodia in the last few years. In my youth, I saw much of Europe. My husband & I lived in Cambridge, England for a year (1970-71) - it was a beautiful time.

I'm looking forward to seeing my old classmates - the kids I grew up with. Of course - as I may have said already - I'm picturing teenagers. But we can't have changed all that much!