Gerald Dee

3 Valleycrest Trail
Nashua NH 03062

Greetings fellow classmates! How do you sum up 50 years of your life in a few paragraphs? I recall that the theme of our MHS graduation was Two Roads, based on the Robert Frost poem. “Two roads diverged in the wood and I, I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.” I’m very glad where my road has taken me, although it was filled with many twists and turns and I didn’t even have a GPS.

My biggest accomplishment was being married to classmate Sandra Melanson. We had 31 years of a wonderful marriage before she passed away of liver cancer in January of 1996. She was simply my best friend and we even enjoyed playing golf together! We first met in the fourth grade when the Wilson School burned down and they had to move some of the students to the Roosevelt School. We have three wonderful children: Kathy, Bill, and Michael. They, in turn, have blessed me with eight terrific grandchildren. That’s my whole gang in the accompanying photo.

I worked in several high-tech companies before settling in at Digital Equipment Corp for 25 years. Following my layoff from DEC in 1994, I worked at an advertising agency and an educational training company where I was able to make a few trips to Europe.

While employed in high-tech, I was also a co-owner of Amory’s, a restaurant/pub located on Main Street in Maynard. I opened the pub in 1988 with a friend and later partnered with classmate Roy Gould and his wife Sue in running the place until 2002. That’s 14 years of being in the restaurant biz, a very rewarding, yet energy sapping, venture.

I’m currently semi-retired while working on the grounds crew at a local golf club. It gets me out of the house and gives me free golf which, it appears, I will never master.