Dorothy Morrison

72 Plympton Road (updated May, 2014)
Sudbury MA 01776

Hello dear classmates,

Wow, I can hardly say the words…… class of 1961, 50th reunion. I always thought that was for those old folks, but here we are. But then I am approaching 50 years married to Bob, my teen sweetheart love as well. The years have flown by so fast. We have three grown children Dan, Amy and Heather along with 5 grandchildren luckily all close by in New England.

I continue to work at Russells Garden Center in Wayland as production manager overseeing 6 greenhouses which we use for growing and display in the spring, fall mums and pumpkins in the fall, followed by wreath designs until Christmas. I enjoy the atmosphere, people and the energy it takes work in such a place. I’m off Jan, Feb. & March along with July & August. It helps me keep strong and who knows what else. No talk of retiring for this old lady.

There is a new path in my road opened up to me by my grandson Nicholas, 7 and ½ years old. He was born just perfect but at 4 years old developed seizures and at 5-1/2 was diagnosed at Children’s Hospital to have a rare brain disorder called Batten Disease, fatal with no cure. Well, we had the choice to go with it or to fight back. We sat around the kitchen table early 2009 with family and friends and decided to fight. Our foundation is called Our Promise To Nicholas Foundation... Our green bracelets say “Promises to keep” from Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. We learned how to fund raise, have a 501c, elected a board of directors and have many conference calls and have had over 30 fundraisers. My main job is chief correspondent officer.

OPTN foundation has raised nearly $200 thousand dollars. Chris, my son in law brought together 7 other nonprofit foundations like ours, forming the Batten Family Coalition (BCF) representing other children with this disease. These foundations came together to organize and fund one of our major strategic goals for this year. On November 11-12, 2010, 48 participants from around the world, representing the best from science, industry, and the NIH came together in Bethesda, Maryland to discuss new approaches toward developing translational research for late infantile NCL (which type Nicholas has) and infantile batten disease. The conference was a huge success as this was the first time this group has come together in a discussion. We are encouraged by the many new collaborations that may emerge. We will continue pursing efforts to improve ways of transforming science into a cure.

I am proud of OPTN Foundation, my family, friends along with people I do not even know that are helping to find a cure for Nicholas and other children with this monstrous disease. Please visit our web site at

And all you golfers, please come to our 3rd Annual Golf Fore Nicholas Golf Tournament- Saturday June 25, Stonebridge Country Club, Goffstown NH followed by dinner and dancing. Come for Golf, or just for dinner at 7:30 pm. So, helping with Nicholas, working my job, doing my foundation work is what keeps me busy.

Our Children Photo: (L to R) daughter Amy with husband Carl (Isabella arrived 6 months later), son Dan, his wife Amy & kids Adriana & Ian, then daughter Heather with husband Chris, boys Nicholas & William

Dotty with teen sweetheart Bob on his 70th birthday.

Grandchildren Photo: (L-R) Ian Noyes, William Dainiak, Nicholas Dainiak, Adriana Noyes and Baby Isabella Laguia