Ann Fraser

Woodbridge Nursing & Rehab Ctr

8720 Jacikson Springs Rd, Rm 225B

Tampa FL 33615

Dear MHS ’61 Classmates,

It’s so exciting to see photos and read about your lives! Thank you , Reunion Committee, for all your hard work. Fifty years, where did they go???

Life is an abundance of good things, including friends and treasured memories: above all, family, especially my 2 granddaughters: Megan, TJ’s daughter, now 3, and Zoe, our miracle baby, a newborn as of 27 April. My son, TJ and his wife, Sabrina, live about 30 minutes away in Tampa; Christi and John live and work in the Atlanta area. I’m so proud of my children: they are wonderful parents, have rewarding careers, and are also my dear friends. Grandkids are such a gift…

I’m still combining my love for history and travel as well as doing volunteer work. I’ve just returned from an amazing trip to Scotland, and day trip to England. I visited Edinburgh, the Isles of Iona and Skye, and Inverness/Aviemore (where my friend did bird-watching while I spent a full day with a guide on a personally planned “Fraser” tour). I also went to Rosslyn Chapel, and walked on Hadrian’s Wall in Housestead England! I’ve cruised in the Caribbean, done a road trip from Tucson to Las Vegas via the Grand Canyon, and from Sonoma valley to Hearst’s Castle, with a week exploring San Francisco, as well as two road trips to MA, where I spent time at Gettysburg and DC. Montreal was a favorite destination while my daughter went to McGill. I’ve lived and worked for DEC in Galway Ireland, and traveled all over Europe.

I love retirement…just being able to let the day unfold as it may is a joy. That said, I'm involved in some soul-satisfying organizations, from Relay for Life to a Dominican Republic Mission to Lady Shriners, which works closely with the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital in Tampa. Sometimes life is too busy...but always good....

I have also been volunteering as the Events Coordinator at an Episcopal retreat center near Plum Island for the last 2 years and will be there again for four weeks starting 23 AUG. So, I'm just down 495, and will be able to be there for our 50th reunion…I can hardly wait! I’ll be staying in Maynard in mid-AUG, and again into OCT.

I've been at my home in Clearwater for the last 7 years move I ever made! (And I love to have friends visit…) I've got a contemporary 2-story duplex condo, and am about 10 minutes from Honeymoon Island, one of the best beaches in FL....and Dunedin FL, my favorite stomping ground. Dunedin even has Highland Games each spring! Both my church and downtown Dunedin have a small-town feel and the flavor of the Maynard we grew up being a part of. I didn’t realize until I was settled here just how important that was to me.

Work wise, I taught English for a couple of years after graduation, then I was at DEC as a technical editor (thank you, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Tucker, and Mrs. Columbo for my good grounding in grammar) for over 14 years, then other corporations jobs as a tech writer, recruiter, and Business Manager. Interesting and challenging jobs, I’m but so glad they are behind me!

See you in September! All the best to each of you!
