by Patrick Crotty

My 50th Maynard High School Class Reunion

By Patrick Crotty, Composed September 11, 2011 (Revised September 22, 2011)

What a wonderful experience

To see you all here today

It helped me to remember

Events so far away.

How bright were all our futures

As we left in cap and gown

Our goals in all directions

Like farmers’ seeds are sown.

Some left with hazy visions

Of what their lives would hold

While others knew just what to do

And started down their roads.

So full of turns and potholes

Our lives now seem to be

We weathered storms and furies

While seeking harmony.

Fifty years, so long, and yet

It seems like yesterday

That we all gathered in the gym

And started on our ways.

Early on, our gatherings

Brought back those days of yore

But as time went by, we learned we were

On roads that took detours.

To places we’d not planned to see

With choices we did not like

But we saw them through, we persevered

We wouldn’t lose those fights.

All throughout advancing years

We worked so very hard

To reach our goals, and claim success

Forever up, onward!

From time to time we’d pause to think

Of where we’d been before

But seldom did we take the time

To go on home once more.

As careers took shape and families grew

We lost all sense of time

Through work and play we laughed and sang

Oh, life could be so fine.

But not for all, some paid the price

Were dealt a crummy hand

For life is not an easy road

Where one can make demands.

Oh, we all succeeded in some ways

Not always those we’d planned

While even the most prosperous

Have sometimes lost command.

Of things that no one can control

Hard as they might try

It’s those tough times that tear our hearts

And make us want to cry.

We lost good friends along the way

To life’s many mortal threats

We thought of them all here today

For a time we were bereft.

Then looking back across the years

Who wouldn’t want to smile

At so many fine events

We’ve seen since once a child.

I think on even farther back

Where my roots are in the soil

Family, friends, and Maynard High

All helped me through life’s toil.

Now I’ve the time to reminisce

To dwell upon those days

When we were young, and yes, naïve

Of life’s eternal ways.

My classmates all, I wish you well

And hope that you can say

‘Some dreams I had so long ago

Are memories today.'