Matthieu Solignac

I am an Assistant Professor at University of Bordeaux where I am holding an "Excellence Research Chair in Population Sciences" (sponsored by IdEX Bordeaux, INED, and Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region). I initially worked at INED, AMSE, and Sciences Po where I taught "Demographic Economics", before joining the Population Studies Center of the University of Pennsylvania to work on the migrant mortality advantage.

  • Fields of interest: Population Economics, Demography, Regional & Urban Economics, Microeconometrics

My research interests are in spatial dynamics of socio-economic inequalities. I study how migration and residential location can shape the relative differences between groups coming from or living in different locations. My main research interest is in measuring how compositional changes related to migration drive observed aggregate trends.

Latest releases:

- Gobillon & Solignac (2020), Homeownership of immigrants in France: selection effects related to international migration flows, Journal of Economic Geography, 20(2), pp.355–396

Research Briefing: PSE 5&5 (English/French), CNRS INSHS (French); Media Coverage: Le Monde (in French)

- Solignac (2018), L'émigration des immigrés, une dimension oubliée de la mobilité géographique, Population (French Edition), 73 (4), pp.693-718 / Immigrant Emigration: An Overlooked Dimension of Geographical Mobility, Population (English Edition), 73(4), pp.659-684

- Solignac & Tô (2018), Do Workers Make Good Neighbours? The Impact of Local Employment on Young Male and Female Entrants to the Labour Market., Annals of Economics and Statistics, n°130, pp. 167-198

- Guillot, Khlat, Elo, Solignac, Wallace (2018), Understanding Age Variations in the Migrant Mortality Advantage: An International Comparative Perspective, PLOS ONE 13(6): e0199669


Univ. Bordeaux, Comptrasec UMR 5114 CNRS

16 avenue Léon Duguit CS 50057, 33608 Pessac Cedex