Welcome to My Website

My name is Mats Ekman and I am a lecturer of Economics at Karlstad Business School, Karlstad University, in Karlstad, Sweden. Broadly speaking, my research interests are in applied microeconomics, more specifically in "Social" Economics (by which I mean behavioural topics like norms and peer effects) and Political Economy/Public Economics, with strong secondary interests in Labour Economics and Economic Philosophy. This web page contains some of my papers and a link to my CV. I did my undergraduate work in Economics at the University of Edinburgh, hold a Master's degree in Economics and Sociology from the University of Chicago, and a doctoral degree in Economics from Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland.

Contact Me:

Karlstad University

Universitetsgatan 2

651 88 Karlstad


e-mail: mats[dot]ekman[at]kau[dot]se