Beomjun Choi ( 최범준 )
Research Interests
Geometric analysis: differential geometry, PDE, calculus of variation and gradient flow
Assistant professor at POSTECH, South Korea (2021.07 - )
CMC fellow at Korea Institute for Advanced Study, South Korea (2021.05 - 2021.06)
Postdoctoral research fellow at University of Toronto, Canada (2019.08 - 2021.04)
PhD in Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, USA (2011.09 - 2019.05)
- Under supervision of Panagiota Daskalopoulos
- Military leave of absence (2013.06- 2016.08)
BS in Mathematical Science, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea (2007.02 - 2011.02)
- Summa Cum Laude
Publications/accepted for publication
Ricci limit flows and weak solutions, with R. Haslhofer.
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) (2024) [journal][arXiv]Classification of bubble-sheet ovals in R^4, with P. Daskalopoulos, W. Du, R. Haslhofer, and N. Sesum. (2022)
accepted in Geom. Topol. [journal][arXiv]Uniqueness of ancient solutions to Gauss curvature flow asymptotic to a cylinder, with K. Choi and P. Daskalopoulos,
J. Diff. Geom. (2024) [journal][arXiv]Finite-dimensional leading order dynamics for the fast diffusion equation near extinction, with C. Seis.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. (2024) [journal][arXiv]Asymptotics near extinction for nonlinear fast diffusion on a bounded domain, with R. McCann and C. Seis,
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. (ARMA) (2023) [journal][arXiv]A note on blowup limits in 3d Ricci flow, with R. Haslhofer,
Math. Res. Lett. (2023) [journal][arXiv]Hitting estimates on Einstein manifolds and applications, with R. Haslhofer,
J. reine angew. Math. (Crelle's journal).(2022) [journal][arXiv]Inverse mean curvature flow with singularities, with P.-K. Hung,
IMRN (2022) [journal][arXiv]Convergence of Gauss curvature flows to translating solitons, with K. Choi and P. Daskalopoulos,
Adv. Math. (2022) [journal][arXiv]Heat flow on time-dependent manifolds, with J. Gao, R. Haslhofer, and D. Sigal,
J. Geom. Anal. (2022) [journal][arXiv]Evolution of non-compact hypersurfaces by inverse mean curvature, with P. Daskalopoulos,
Duke Math. J. (2021) [journal][arXiv]Convergence of Curve Shortening Flow to Translating Soliton, with K. Choi and P. Daskalopoulos,
Amer. J. Math.(2021) [journal][arXiv]Type II singularities on complete non-compact Yamabe flow, with P. Daskalopoulos and J. King,
J. reine angew. Math. (Crelle's journal).(2021) [journal][arXiv]A note on the selfsimilarity of limit flows, with R. Haslhofer and O. Hershkovits,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.(2021) [journal][arXiv]Diffusion of biological organisms; Fickian and Fokker-Planck type diffusions, with Y.-J. Kim,
SIAM J. Appl. Math.(2019) [journal]Yamabe flow: steady solitons and type II singularities, with P. Daskalopoulos,
Nonlinear Anal.(2018) [journal][arXiv]
Thom's gradient conjecture for nonlinear evolution equations, with P.-K. Hung. (2024)
- This is major improvement over the previous preprint 'Asymptotics for slowly converging evolution equations' with P.-K. Hung.Monge-Ampère equations with right-hand sides of polynomial growth, with K. Choi and S. Kim. (2024)
- a part of this result was shown in the 2021 preprint by the same authors.Continuous family of surfaces translating by powers of Gauss curvature, with K. Choi and S. Kim. (2024)
- a part of this result was shown in the 2021 preprint by the same authors.Asymptotics for slowly converging evolution equations, with P.-K. Hung. (2023)
On existence of hypersurfaces translating by powers of Gauss curvature. (2022)
Translating surfaces under flows by sub-affine-critical powers of Gauss curvature, with K. Choi and S. Kim. (2021)
Multi-D fast diffusion equation via diffusive scaling of generalized Carleman kinetic equation, with K.-A. Lee. (2015)
Grants, honors, and awards
KIAS alumni outstanding paper award, KIAS (2024)
Y-KAST member, Korean Academy of Science and Technology (2023-)
Samsung Science and Technology Foundation Grant P.I. (2023-)
NRF Science Research Center CM2LA Participating Researcher (RS-2023-00219980) (2023-)
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2022R1C1C1013511) (2022-2027)
KIAS associate member (2022-)
Sangsan Young Mathematician Award, Korean Mathematical Society (2021)
POSCO Science Fellow, TJ Park Foundation (2022-2023)
Basic Science Research Institute, POSTECH (NRF-2021R1A6A1A10042944) (2021-2022)
Columbia Faculty Fellow, Columbia University (2011-2019)
Samsung Scholarship for doctoral study, Samsung Scholarship Foundation (2011- 2019)
Presidential Science Scholarship from the Korean President, Korea Student Aid Foundation (2007 - 2011)
Parabolic Krylov-Safonov Harnack Inequality
- This is based on a talk I gave in graduate student geometric analysis seminar, Columbia University, Fall 2017. Most of the proof ideas and outlines are from the note of former colleague M. Connor.
- MATH 621 Riemannian Geometry (Fall 2024)
- MATH 514 Real Analysis I (Spring 2024)
- MATH 517 Partial Differential Equations (Fall 2023)
- MATH647 Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (Spring 2023)
- MATH520 Differentiable Manifolds (Spring 2022)
- MATH203 Applied Linear Algebra (Fall 2021)
- MAT235 Calculus II (2020 - 2021)
- MAT235 Calculus II (2019 - 2020)
- Calculus II (Spring 2019)
- Calculus I (Spring 2017)
Teaching Assistant
- Ordinary Differential Equations (Fall 2018)
- Analysis and Optimization (Spring 2018)
- Modern Analysis I (Fall 2017)
- Ordinary Differential Equations (Fall 2016)
- Ordinary Differential Equations (Spring 2013)
- Introduction to Mathematical Finance (Fall 2012)
- Calculus II (Summer 2012)
- Modern Analysis II (Summer 2012)