SHRDLU project extracts

Subject: [Shrdlu] pdp10 & newsgroup info 
From: Joshua Sutterfield  
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 23:16:37 -0600 

I found the pdp10 emulator at:


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] ^L^C 
From: Miles Davis  
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 13:28:51 -0600 

>   Does anyone know what ^L means?  It seems to be at the end
> of everyfile, along with ^C, and sometimes just sitting in the middle
> of one.  It seems to clear the screen on my terminal, but I doubt that
> is its original intention..  Perhaps an EOF signal on some ancient
> hardware?

Only as ancient as ASCII. ^L is form feed, ^C is end of text.

For future reference, see


Subject: [Shrdlu] directories 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 15:49:10 -0600 (CST) 

when you are trying to port, and you see a line that references a function
from another module (ie, plnr), please add a comment.


  That way we can possibly work around the function until the required
file is ported.


Subject: [Shrdlu] fwd> Returned mail: User unknown 
From: Miles Davis  
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 16:15:34 -0600 

There is now an HTML table for system calls (Maclisp) made by the 
user-defined functions in SHRDLU, which should aid a great deal in 
porting. I do not have all of the file locations put in yet, but I will 
by our next meeting. Anyways, as you all know, just grep for "DEFUN F" to 
find where function F is defined.

The list is at "" 
and is essentially the file "lisp" in src/ with hyperlinks.


Subject: [Shrdlu] answers 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 15:44:09 -0600 (CST) 

  Here are some answers to questions brought up last night.

  -Grinding a file refers to pretty printing the file.

  (GRIND filelist)

  -Defprop...  and Defun

  In 1969, DEFUN was added to MacLISP, prior to that, DEFPROP
  was used.   (so they do the same thing...)

  is equal to

  is equal to
  The 1st form looks like what CL will expect...

  GCL will let me do this...


  Which I think probably does the same as the FEXPR, just tells
LISP that the function will return an expression, or another function.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] answers 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 15:55:34 -0600 (CST) 

  I forgot to mention that this also works.



Subject: [Shrdlu] not cl or pitman 
From: Joshua Sutterfield  
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 22:10:02 -0600 

okay.. my previous list in hints.jrs, of functions not in CL was a little bit
off... cause I was doing it func by func, but I made a new list using grep &
stuff.  Then I marked which ones appear to be covered somewhat by pitman. 
So.. this should give us a good idea of things we'll need to find in the
manual.  By the way.. I saw something in matt's questions.mlf about GCL not
being able to do something (ignore-errors was it?).  I think there's a
multitude of such things GCL doesn't do, that are in the CL documentation. 
should we be loading up certain librariers or something, before we can do
certain funcs?  Anyways here's the list of stuff I mentioned:



Subject: [Shrdlu] 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 00:09:06 -0600 (CST) 

  I was getting sick of searching my code
for stuff, and I wrote something that may make lief
easier (along the lines of what Miles is doing).

Except this also tracks pitman changes, thanks
to josh.

  It is called, here is a sample run...

It reads _________________
   Line number found on.   - Line of code.

If the word PITMAN is there, it means that its a Pitman change!

ultra2 <12:06am> ~/shrdlu/src>../help/ smutil | more
*DIF  _____________________________________________
ADD1  _____________________________________________
722:          (LIST (CADR X) (ADD1 (CADR X)) NIL))
723:         ((EQ (CAR X) '>) (ADD1 (CADR X)))
ASCII _____________________________________________
ASSQ _____________________________________________
[PITMAN]  854:                          (CADR (OR (ASSQ (LENGTH %PLNRPHRASE)
;[PITMAN]  861:                ;THE NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS + 1 AND THE (ASSQ ...)
;CURSORPOS _____________________________________________
DEFPROP _____________________________________________
FLATSIZE  _____________________________________________
GREATERP _____________________________________________
523:                   (GREATERP X (CADR WHO))))))) 
LESSP _____________________________________________
522:          (NOT (OR (LESSP X (CAR WHO))

Note that it works out of the file functions.list in the /help
directory, so keep that current, and track any pitman changes
in there (if you find functions that are pitman changes,
add a  after the name..)


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] concerns & question 
From: Joshua Sutterfield  
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 22:13:47 -0600 

>   Josh, can you look up GET UNIT for me in the manual?  I dont
> know what it does, it is used in GINTER and PROGMR.

I'm not sure why UNIT would be distinct, but GET seems to do the same thing 
as it does in CL which is, as I understand, given: (GET  
) ... it gets the property named by indicator of .  So it 
seems to me its like a way to access members of a data structure.  Or change 
them using (setf (get blah blah) blip) in CL.  

I'll type what the manual says: (GET sym indicator)
The sym argument is expected to be a symbol or a disembodied property list.  
The indicator is the name of the property to be looked up.  This is usually 
a symbol, but is not restricted to be -- an EQ test is done to find the 
indicator.  The value returned is the filler of the slot named indicator.  
NIL is returned if there was no such slot or the filler of the slot was NIL.

>   Also, what form is everyone using for FEXPR, ie. which form is
> the correct one?  Removing it, or putting it at the end of an expression???

I can't find in the book where it ever says you should put the FEXPR at the
end... at least for defun - it says you put it after the symbol you're
defun-ing.  The book has a good amount to say about FEXPR... I'll bring the
book tomorrow.  But I say chuck it.  In looking at the CL documentation it
doesnt seem like any such qualifiers are needed. 


Subject: [Shrdlu] STATUS rewrite 
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 07:41:56 -0600 (CST) 

Pitman's notes say that there is no rewrite for the STATUS function, 
except for a few special examples which did not apply.  In progmr there 
are several instances of
Miles said GCTIME was shrdlu-defined so I'll check that.


Subject: [Shrdlu] crikeys 
From: Joshua Sutterfield  
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:21:35 -0600 

i tried the rewrites for READLIST, ASCII, and EXPLODE.  The last 2 worked,
I think like they were supposed to even.  But READLIST.. actually the
read-from-string thing was a mistake.. it likes read-from-string, .. what
it complaiend about was string-append.  And now, checking the lisp
documentation -- it's NOT a legit func anyways.  So perhaps clisp does
take all the stuff its supposed to.  One way to make sure would be to take
the full list of funcs (I'm going by the lisp hyperspec linked from our
page), and read em all in -- and see which are unbound... But I'm just
gonna assume clisp does them all until I find otherwise. 

Anyways in trying to load in plnr, STATUS, SSTATUS and UREAD and all that
junk seem to be trouble.. seem like the things that have changed the most
from ML to CL.  also..  DECLARE doesnt seem to like as many things as it
did in maclisp... that's first half of the problem with the whole (DECLARE
(GENPREFIX... ) thing (the other half being it doesnt know genprefix at
all.  I will try to fiddle with those things and figure out how they 
oughta be ported.. but maybe we should ask pitman about those.. especially 
genprefix since it doesnt exist in either language.  

And.. does anyone know how to escape out of the break> crap in clisp or 
get some basic help like in gcl with :q and (help) ?


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] crikeys 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:39:33 -0600 (CST) 

> And.. does anyone know how to escape out of the break> crap in clisp or 
> get some basic help like in gcl with :q and (help) ?

I think Ctrl-D will break out of that, but I am not for sure. 

Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] crikeys 
From: Miles Davis  
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:59:23 -0600 

> And.. does anyone know how to escape out of the break> crap in clisp or 
> get some basic help like in gcl with :q and (help) ?

I think ^d quits the whole program, and (quit) exits just the debug break.


Subject: [Shrdlu] Re: Shrdlu porting... 
From: Kent M Pitman  
(by way of Matt Fischer ) 
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 00:44:37 -0600 

   Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 20:39:36 -0600
   From: Matt Fischer 

     We have been working through your MacLISP->Common LISP changes and
   we have come across some questions..

   Are your changes built to run on any specific implementation of LISP?
Well, they were for Common Lisp circa 1984.  I had ported Macsyma to
two very different implementations by time I wrote these notes:
Symbolics Common Lisp and VAXLISP.  My notes were intended to achieve



   Can you suggest how to handle a STATUS request, your manual (the Revised 
   MacLISP Manual) says that STATUS, "returns useful information about
   which is kind of obscure.  Here are the specific ones that would be

     STATUS TTY - returns list of info on the default terminal
     STATUS UREAD - returns 4-list of the current input source (?)
     STATUS CRUNIT - returns 2-list of current unit (device & directory)
     STATUS GCTIME - number of microseconds spent garbage-collecting

Sorry they're so obscure.  They were probably intended to explain data
you'd see coming back in an actual implementation.

If I recall, (STATUS TTY) might have returned information saying
whether there was a console (or whether you were running in background).
Send me a specific fragment of code, and I'll suggest how to rewrite

(STATUS UREAD) is related to *standard-input* in some ways.  It is
part of something called "Old I/O" that I never used much becuase "New
I/O" was so superior.  Under Old I/O, I think one would do
 (sstatus uread filename)
and then (setq ^r t) [yes, that's uparrow r, two chars].  You could
also type the interrupt character control-R to get it to set the ^r
variable.  At that point, it would read from the uread filename
instead of from the terminal.  Filenames in Old I/O were reprsented
as lists of symbols.  ( name type device dir ), if i remember right.
That's what the 4-list is.  You could also write
((device dir) name type), or just ((dir) name type).  so
((kmp) foo lisp) or (foo lisp dsk kmp) were typical values for
a file whose name was "KMP;FOO LISP" (ITS) or "FOO.LISP" (tops-20)
or ">kmp>foo.lisp" (Multics).  It was an early pathname system. :-)
I also might be slightly misremembering,but I think this is close to right.

(status CRUNIT) was just for the default directory, I think so that
filenames like (FOO LISP) would open in the right place.  But I might
be misremembering.

(status gctime) presumably incremented as the gc ran, so you could
subtract two values to find out how much gc had happened lately.
Probably used only for timing tests.


   DECLARE doesnt seem to like as many things as it did in maclisp,
   specifically, the following declaration identifiers don't occur in CL but 
   apparently occur in ML:

     fexpr  print  genprefix  unspecial  macros

Heh.  FEXPRS.  They don't have an equivalent in modern code, but see
my paper
which was written about them at the time just before they went away.

I'm not sure what declare print did.  Send an example. I bet it can
be ignored, though.

I don't remember genprefix either but the name sounds like maybe
it was like *gensym-prefix* is now.  I'd be surprised if it 
affects working code.  It was probably cosmetic.

I'm not sure about macros either.  Send me a sample.


   Is FEXPR needed in Common LISP or can we just discard it???  If needed, it
   not let us place FEXPR like MacLISP does..


See my paper above.  FEXPRs are functions that don't evaluate
their args.  A call like (BOB X Y) gives the body of BOB an argument
of (X Y), unevaluated as a list. You MUST re-write this or change all
the callers of BOB to pass a  quoted list of the args.  The simplest 
rewrite is:

 (defmacro bob (&rest x)
   `(*bob ',x))

 (defun *bob (x)
   ...body of the bob fexpr...)

You also have to rewrite

 (apply 'bob something)


 (*bob something)

Or you can do a macro that does this like:

 (defmacro defun-fexpr (fexpr-name (fexpr-arg) &body fexpr-body)
   (let ((apply-name (intern (format nil "APPLY-~A" fexpr-name))))
     `(progn (defmacro ,fexpr-name (&rest ,fexpr-arg)
               `(,',subr-name ',,fexpr-arg))
       (defun ,subr-name (,fexpr-arg) ,@fexpr-body)
             (defun ,apply-name (,fexpr-arg) (,subr-name ,fexpr-arg))

and then rewrite

 (defun bob fexpr (x) ...) as (defun-fexpr bob (x) ...)
 (apply 'bob stuff)        as (apply-bob stuff)


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] FEXPR's 
From: Joshua Sutterfield  
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 17:32:04 -0600 

> Why does CLISP complain about this:

Unless I'm mistaken you can't put anything after the defun really... if 
you want to define a macro you do defmacro...
if you want to defun, you can only defun.. no extra specifications... er 
maybe there are but.. nothing like what was possible in maclisp.


Subject: [Shrdlu] 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 19:49:58 -0600 (CST) 

  I fixed some nagging bugs in the script, and I even committed
them this time.


  -some lines had a ; at the beginning for some reason
  - the '-c' will now work, whicch should make this actually useful


Subject: [Shrdlu] MACRO 
From: Joshua Sutterfield  
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 20:45:29 -0600 

Hmm.. i struggled with DEFMACRO last night... It looked really weird what 
PLNR did with a macro func called THPUSH.

That appears to be the only place where DEFUN blah MACRO is used in any of
the source though -- isn't it?  So, I believe I've already fixed it.  I could
explain the difference between DEFMACRO and DEFUN blah MACRO, but I won't
unless we actually need it.  But the old way was REALLY STUPID.  Plus the way
THPUSH does what it does is really stupid.. it basically did what there are
already LISP functions made for. 

Also, an important thing I think I figured out -- DECLARE becomes DECLAIM if
it's in the global area.. but DECLAIM *FEXPR wont work any better than
DECLARE, of course.  I'm going to try pitman's macro for defun-fexpr, but I
guess there will still be a problem because they've got to be DECLAIMED as
something (other than *fexpr) too.  I'm not sure why but I'm guessing its so
certain things can refer to a given fexpr function before it's properly


Subject: [Shrdlu] Meeting results 02-24-1999 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 23:58:03 -0600 (CST) 

  -We figured out how to handle FEXPRs.  The code will be in the CVS
tree later tonight.  The file will be called fexprfix, and it will need to be 
"included" in all the files.  To do so, use the following sytnax.

  (load "fexprfix")       <--  be sure to place at the top of the file

  The actual changes will be as follows.

 (defun bob fexpr (x) ...) as (defun-fexpr bob (x) ...)
 (apply 'bob stuff)        as (apply-bob stuff)

  Josh wrote the fix, and I am pretty sure that even he does not
understand it fully, some of his comments will be in the file, update
cvs and enjoy!


Subject: [Shrdlu] fwd> Re: Shrdlu porting... 
From: Joshua Sutterfield  
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 11:05:47 -0600 

----- Forwarded message from Kent M Pitman  -----

Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 10:12:09 -0500
From: Kent M Pitman 
Subject: Re: Shrdlu porting...

   Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 00:43:39 -0600
   From: Joshua Sutterfield 

   Hello... I've been looking at your suggestions about working around 

   > of (X Y), unevaluated as a list. You MUST re-write this or change all
   > the callers of BOB to pass a  quoted list of the args.  The simplest 
   > rewrite is:
   >  (defmacro bob (&rest x)
   >    `(*bob ',x))
   >  (defun *bob (x)
   >    ...body of the bob fexpr...)

   where this was originally:
   (defun bob fexpr (x) ...body of the bob fexpr...)

Right.  I wondered when I wrote this if I should have been being
completely clear by adding this text myself.  But yes.

   > You also have to rewrite
   >  (apply 'bob something)
   > to
   >  (*bob something)

   So... I get what's going on... A fexpr just has a single arg, which is 
   the CDR of the call... it contains each of the args passed.

That's correct.

   So, the defmacro basically defines a bob which takes the &rest,
   and it builds a call to *bob so that if you say "(bob 1 2 3)"
   it translates that into "(*bob '(1 2 3))".  I believe that's all 


   Well my question is, why not just say, to begin with:

   (defun bob (&rest x) 
  ...body of the bob fexpr...)

   Why do we need to introduce a separate macro at all?  

Because you'd have to call BOB as

 (bob 'a 'b 'c)


 (bob a b c)

The whole thing originated as a way of defining things like TRACE
(because there was no command or graphical UI and people hated
quoting) and QUOTE (because it was primitive).  In the latter case,
think about how you'd write COND or LET using &REST and you'll see
the problem.  In fact, my paper points out that QUOTE and CAR use
the same lambda expression, but one is a FEXPR and one is an EXPR
(normal function).  QUOTE, COND, etc. *did* use FEXPRs (Ok, well,
FSUBRS, which were what you got from compiling FEXPRs) in the
Maclisp interpreter.  These things lived on the plist, and the
interpreter did something awful like the following, which I've
tried to write in the style of the time, if memory serves me:

         ((ATOM X) X)
         ((NOT (ATOM (CAR X))) for LAMBDA [and maybe others?] ...)
         (T (DO ((OP (CAR X))
                 (PL (PLIST (CAR X)) (CDDR PL)))
               (COND ((EQ OP 'FSUBR) 
                      (RETURN (SUBRCALL T (CADR PL) (CDR X))))
                     ((EQ OP 'LSUBR) 
                      (RETURN (LSUBRCALL T (CADR PL) (MAPCAR 'EVAL (CDR X)))))
                     ((EQ OP 'SUBR) 
                      (COND ((= (LENGTH OP) 0)
                             (RETURN (SUBRCALL T (CADR PL))))
                            ((= (LENGTH OP) 1)
                             (RETURN (SUBRCALL T (CADR PL)
                                         (EVAL (CADR X)))))
                            ... likewise for up to 5 args, I think..))
                     ((EQ OP 'FEXPR)
                      (RETURN (FUNCALL (CADR PL) (CDR X))))
                     ((EQ OP 'EXPR) 
                      (RETURN (APPLY (CADR PL) (MAPCAR 'EVAL (CDR X)))))
                     ((EQ OP 'MACRO) 
                      (RETURN (EVAL (FUNCALL (CADR PL) X))))
                     ((EQ OP 'AUTOLOAD)
                      ... load (CADR PL), can't remember details ...
                      (RETURN (EVAL X))))))))

I may have screwed up the syntax for the SUBRCALL and especially
the LSUBRCALL stuff.

It was really written in assembly code, not in Lisp, of course.
I'm just using Lisp to express it in a way we'd both understand.
Also, I'm sure the subr dispatch didn't call LENGTH but actually
looped on the args, pushing them onto the stack, but I didn't want
to bother with that hair here.  EVAL was finely tuned in many ways.

But the things I wanted you to see are:

There was no LEXPR property.
LEXPRs were stored as (LAMBDA lexpr-arg ...body...) in the EXPR property,
while EXPRs were stored as (LAMBDA (..args...) ...body...) in the same
property. Only when compiled (because the code had separate calling
sequences) did you have to distinguish them.

The plist was searched in left-to-right order for the first of
possibly several definitions.  It wasn't unusual for a thing like LET
(which was a latter-day invention that autoloaded) to have BOTH
an FSUBR and a MACRO property, with the FSUBR first so that if the
interpreter saw it, it would get used, but the compiler would see the
macro and would expand it to more primitive code.  Because of this,
the clauses of the COND were ordered by "most likely" since the order
of definitions in the plist is accomodated by traversing the plist
in the DO and considering all possible definitions in parallel.

It was possible to have conflicting definitions, called shadowed definitions.

Compare the 1-arg SUBR case with the FSUBR case.    Two differences:
the call to EVAL in the subr case and the use of CADR instead of CDR.

Implicit in the above is that a macro property could only contain
an interpreted definition (because APPLY couldn't handle objects of
typep RANDOM, something that made all of the above hard).  To compile
a macro, one would generate a new symbol |FOO MACRO| or some such thing
and then compile that, then put the symbol  |FOO MACRO| in FOO's 
MACRO property. A kludge, but it worked, since APPLY did understand symbols.

All in all, Common Lisp was a substantial improvement on this tower
of cards.  Lisp really does evolve...

I hope you'll read the paper--you'll find it
pretty fun, I think.  It was written in 1980 and I added modern
annotation to it within the last year, so it's exactly the kind of 
perspective piece that might help you both for this and other
related issues.

This paper has been suggested by some as part of the
reason that FEXPRs went away.  Although some have said it
was more like Gorbechev and communism where if it hadn't
been him it would have someone else because "the time had
come" for FEXPRs to die. 


Subject: [Shrdlu] tools for debugging 
From: "Matthew Fischer"  
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 14:58:36 -0600 (CST) 

  I said I would write a short page on debugging tools, well
go into clisp and type help  not (help), that should be sufficient.


Subject: [Shrdlu] Re: IOC ? 
From: Kent M Pitman > 
(by way of Matt Fischer >) 
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 19:30:19 -0600 

This is information on how to port IOC functions, its rather long and
involved, but I included every type of IOC found in our code and he has
suggestions for each.  IOC changes affect almost everyone's code, so good

   Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 16:07:39 -0600 (CST)
   From: "Matthew Fischer" 
   Cc: (Matthew Fischer)

   >    Form      Rewrite
   >    (IOC C)    (SETQ ^D NIL)
   >    (IOC D)    (SETQ ^D T)
   >    (IOC G)    (SETQ ^G)
   >    (IOC Q)    (SETQ ^Q T)
   >    (IOC R)    (SETQ ^R T)
   >    (IOC S)    (SETQ ^Q NIL)
   >    (IOC T)    (SETQ ^R NIL)
   >    (IOC V)    (SETQ ^W NIL)
   >    (IOC W)    (PROGN (SETQ ^W T) (CLEAR-OUTPUT T))
   >    (IOC Z)    (VALRET ":VK ")

     This section was just copied from your Manual...  I will get some 
   code samples..

     It looks like the following are used..

     IOC - G, Q, S, R, C, D, W, V

   > ^D only controls gc messages and can surely be safely ignored.

     Okay, we will ignore ^D.

   > Incidentally, if you don't know what (VALRET ":VK ") was about, 

     Thats okay because (IOC Z) is not used in Shrdlu.

     Samples--(note that they may all contain unported stuff)--

     (IOC V)  is just found by itself, after a DEFUN

This is because the code was loaded by someone interactively setting
the input stream and typing ^W to turn off console echoing while the code
loaded. The (IOC V) made typeout start happening again.  It probably
happens after the last defun.

     (IOC G)  

           (COND ((EQ (CADR N) 'YOU)
           (SAY YOU'RE WELCOME)
         (OR NN (IOC G))
        (SETQ SPECIAL 'DONE))))

Ah, this probably calls the ^g function, and should probably
be rewritten as (ABORT).

     (IOC Q)

       (PROG (^Q UNIQUE ^R ^D)
      (IOC Q)

The UNIQUE as an end of file should be fine in new code.
The rest I'd rewrite:


unless the GRAM-COMP function doesn't end by closing the file.  If
you have to leave the file open at the end, then I need more context
to know how to rewrite it.  In a sense, the right rewrite would be
to change something looking like

 (DEFUN BLAH2 () ... code that calls (TYI) etc. with no stream arg ...)
 (DEFUN BLAH3 () ... test for close ...)

to be instead:

 (DEFUN BLAH2 () ... code that calls (TYI) etc. with no stream arg ...)

eliminating BLAH1 and BLAH3.  Or else, since I don't like the binding
of *standard-input* here, do:

    (BLAH2 STREAM)))
 (DEFUN BLAH2 (STREAM) ... code that calls (TYI STREAM), etc....)

If you can't figure out what the overarching function is that should
contain the WITH-OPEN-FILE, tell me and I'll suggest something more

     (IOC R)

      (IOC R)

Similar deal but with :DIRECTION :OUTPUT instead of :DIRECTION :INPUT.
And *standard-output* instead of *standard-input*.

     (IOC C)

      (SETQ *RSET NIL)
      (IOC C)

If what you quoted from my manual is right, 
this is just turning off GC messages, ignore it too.
It is the complement of ^D.  I tried never to use ^C and ^D
so my memory is fuzzy.  GC stats don't buy you much.

     (IOC D) - will ignore...

This is turning on GC messages.

     (IOC W) & (IOC V)

     (LAMBDA (X)
             ((EQ (CADR X) 'ON)
        (IOC W)
             ((EQ (CADR X) 'OFF)
        (IOC W)
             (T (TELLCHOICE X)))
       (IOC V)))

The sense of ^V and ^W was replaced by echo streams.  In a sense,
(SETQ ^V T) in CL terms is accmplished by making a stream that is an
echo stream to the console.  The whole point of all of this ^V and ^W
stuff is to gate what gets printed on the console while it's

If I were doing the porting, I would probably just ditch the ^V and ^W
stuff entirely and just add back in appropriate mechanism later to
suit whatever my needs were, but if you're doing exploratory work
trying to figure out what it's supposed to do, that may e hard because
it's information-losing.

The safer but more complex thing to do would be to implement a stream
using "Gray streams" (most vendors support this--I don't recall which
vendor you said you were using).  This is an extensible way to define
new stream types.  And it's possible to make a stream which behaves
exactly like Maclisp including respecting ^W and ^Q and ^R so that the
code wouldn't have to change until you knew what was going on.
"Gray streams" is something proposed by David Gray a while back that
was informally accepted an implemented as a stream extension protocol.
If you want a spec for it, I can send you one.  But only your vendor
could say if they have it.  I bet Franz and harlequin both have it.
Probably digitool, too.  Freeware versions may or may not.  The total
code you'd have to write to do this is quite small, but on the
downside your code wouldn't look very CL-ish.  On the other hand, you
could convert to CL native look as a separate pass.

A lot of this depends on whether there are 5 or 500 functions that
deal with I/O.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] ... 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 17:50:16 -0600 

> I am working on the th* set ... right now, fixing all the FEXPRs first.

Hmm... th* is what i've been dealing with too.. I just stripped away all the 
DECLARE fexpr stuff, hoping the functions would still do whatever they're 
supposed to do.  Miles:  are you working on the th stuff in plnr or just in 
thtrac?  Also (probably for miles), plnr apparently depends on the stuff in 
thtrace -- should I avoid testing plnr funcs that need thtrace stuff for 
now, or should I try to load it at the top of plnr?

Currently, in addition to removing the declare fexprs, i changed all the
(declare (special var1 var2 ... )) to use declaim instead of declare.  This
way it compiles, and the LISP docs suggest this is how you'd do it, but I
realized it accepts (declaim ([anything] blah blah)) as well as special -- so
that confuses me.  But plnr does with with many of the funcs. 


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] Problem? 
From: Matt Fischer > 
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 19:28:08 -0600 

pg. 25 - The PitManual

The symbol NIL denotes FALSE in LISP, anything else other than NIL is
evaluated as true by conditional expressions such as COND, AND, OR, etc.

Now... from pg. 125

...Both NIL and () are fully interchangable input representations for the
same object.  

object      evaluates as.
NIL      NIL
(ATOM 'NIL)    T
(EQ 'NIL '())    T
(NULL 'NIL)    T
(NOT 'NIL)    T

So maybe you can replace it with (), I think that should work!


Subject: [Shrdlu] updating 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 00:50:51 -0600 

I'm going to keep the existing plnr privately, so that we can still have
that DECLARE FEXPR* whenever we figure out why we need it... also it has
some other DECLARE (PRINT ..) stuff... Anyways, I just deleted a lot of
stuff like that at the top that wasn't essential (rather than comment it
out line by line), and I'm going to update plnr that way, but I will still
keep the code I removed (or if advised, I could add it as plnr.old or 


Subject: [Shrdlu] Re: defprop, etc (shrdlu) 
From: Matt Fischer > 
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 10:47:27 -0600 

   Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 00:11:44 -0600 (CST)
   From: "Matthew Fischer" 

     We came across some code that does this...

        (PRINC 'FAILED/ )

     This leads to 2 questions..

     1.  Why is it written (LAMBDA NIL, what is the point of that???  

It's how it prints.  NIL and () are the same, and it was extremely
common for people to write stuff how it was printed.  It may have even
been printed out by the Lisp printer.

     2.  Is it safe to re-write DEFPROP as DEFUN?  (as accoring to the

Well, (DEFPROP foo (LAMBDA ...) EXPR) can be rewritten as 
(DEFUN foo ...).  This is not that case here becuase it's the THFAIL
property.  In Maclisp, the above corresponded to:
and in modern code you'd write
though I'd encourage you to write
and then rewrite to 

           If so, we have found code that has multiple DEFPROPs
     of the same item.

Hopefully with a different property.  If there are lot of different
properties and you don't want to make one macro (like DEF-THFAIL
above) per property, you can either define a macro-writing macro,
and then do
so you can still use DEF-THFAIL, DEF-THFOO, etc. or else you can make
one general definer, like:
and then do (sort of) like in Maclisp

           The above is an example...  The next item in the
     file is another (DEFPROP THTRACES ..)

It's not another--it's a different one.  I bet the property name is different.

           How would we handle that?

I hope the above is enough to figure it out.
Basically by varying the property.

     Lastly...  Do you have *any* idea about this....???

        ...  [about 20-30 more follow]

FEXPRs look like EXPRs if you don't realize it.  Since they are probably
defined later, any forward reference will be compiled wrong.  It isn't
necessary to know the definition of the FEXPR at point of call, only
that it's going to be a fexpr so you can compile (FOO A B C)
as an FSUBRCALL using the single data arg '(A B C) rather than as a 
SUBRCALL using data args coming from having evaluated A, B, and C.
By declaring them *FEXPR, you are alerting the compiler to a later
FEXPR definition, pretty much like a forward reference declaration
for arg types in conventional languages to avoid linking of more
standard kinds going wrong.  There are two ways to fix this in modern
code: (1)rewrite these as subrs so that you say (THAPPLY '(...)) but you
probably would find the result very ugly or (2) move the fexpr
definitions (to be rewritten as macros)  to an earlier point in the
loading so its definition precedes its use.  I strongly recommend 
approach #2.  Macros cannot be simply declared by forward reference
like fexprs could since their action is not opaque--the compiler needs
to expand them at compile time or would be unable to compile them correctly
(or even at all). Since you'll likely be rewriting fexprs as macros,
reordering the code will be needed.


Subject: [Shrdlu] cool junk 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 19:36:01 -0600 

Okay.. I finally got around to reading pitman's stuff about defprop &
declares... It all makes good sense now to me -- declare was doing about what
I expected... and i should've guessed that defprop meant create & define a 
property of an existing function.. (defprop = define property)


Subject: [Shrdlu] added "fixes" 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 20:10:59 -0600 

If you're using the fexprfix, change (load "fexprfix") to (load "fixes"), 
because I moved it to this, and also put the fix for DEFPROP in there.  The 
defprop fix apparently is fine like Pitman gave it.


Subject: [Shrdlu] Things i've done 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 14:46:27 -0600 

Okay.. I added another func to "fixes"
It's a definition for DEFPROPFNIL... please let me know if you can think 
of a nicer name.. but anyways, It takes a defprop like:
And all you have to do is change DEFPROP to DEFPROPNIL
What it does is set the THFAIL property of THPROG to THPROGT, which is 
another function, which takes no args.  
Anyways... be sure which kind of defprop you need.. should probably be 
pretty clear which is right.  

Other things I did.. went thru plnr and moved everythign around so things 
didnt call other things before those other thigns were defined (Thus 
avoiding DECLARE's for FEXPRS, which dont work).  By the way.. everyone 
who has FEXPR's declared needs to do the same.. make sure a defun-fexpr 
bob precedes all references to bob.  HOWEVER... keep in mind if there's 
something like (COND (EQ (QUOTE BOB) ... blah blah), you proably dont 
need the defun-fexpr to precede that.  Just actual calls to bob.  Another 
tip... If you have something like (DECLARE (SPECIAL a b c)) preceding a 
function, and then (DECLARE (UNSPECIAL a b c)) or something like that.. 
they go WITH the function... and should be moved if you move the 
function.  I'm not sure if that's done anywhere else but plnr does it.  

Something that concerns me... in some places i have (DECLARE (SPECIAL 
BOB)) where BOB is a FEXPR.. I probably cant do this since bob is just a 
macro... probably have to change that to APPLY-BOB, cause that's what the 
actual function defined by the macro is called.  

And as far as making a complete progress report.. I did also replace 
occurrences of PUTPROP which i guess were skipped over the first time 
thru the conversion notes.  


Subject: [Shrdlu] interesting thing about init-loader 
From: "Matthew Fischer" > 
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:12:26 -0600 (CST) 

  Init appears to be an incomplete copy of loader...

  They are essentially the same file, but loader has *more* than
init, and has a few different numbers.  Maybe we can trash init!


Subject: [Shrdlu] uparrow 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 23:12:15 -0600 

Miles was right.. ^ is the same as uparrow.. ^W and ^A and ^Q I believe 
are all global variables baasically.. each one of these it looks like 
will have to be replaced with a function call of some sort so I guess 
that's something else I'll try to find rewrites for.. they should be 
simple functions, but I think a lot of them relate to the input-stuff & 
to UREAD.  The lisp hyperdocs that I have.. are really hard to understand 
as far as file/stream input but.. assuming that is ever figured out, I 
think most of those uparrow funcs will probably be all replaced by 
single-term calls & simple crap like that.  


Subject: [Shrdlu] pitman q's 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 23:29:09 -0500 

There's something called a LEXPR, which fixing should be easy.. let me 
know ifyou've spotted it.  It's of this form:
(defun foo nargs (function body...))
Or something like that.. the idea is that.. that second thing, nargs, is 
USED in the body of the func like it were PASSED to the funciton, but 
it's not.. when you call the function, it counts how many arguments you 
passed it, and stores that in nargs.  I belive the only way to access the 
items passed to it are by saying (ARG 1) or (ARG 2).  My impressions are 
that this is an easy fix (judging from plnr's one lexpr), but show me any 
occurrences you find cause maybe there's more to it.  

These seem to be the two main uses of UREAD:

  (UREAD /.FILENAME/. / (INIT/) dev dir)
where dev and dir are the returns of (CRUNIT)
This usage occurred within the init portion of a 
certain file, and it used its OWN filename here.
It occurs in PLNR, which implements the microplanner language.
I just can't figure out why it'd be reading itself.  

This is called with several different filenames (each component of 
the system), from the init routine.  It seems to me that this kind
of thing might now be unnecessary... like its doing part of the work
that any compiler/interpreter would do itself using:
  (LOAD )
But I'm sure there's more to it than that.  I'm not sure exactly what the 
MACLISP compiler did & didn't do, so I don't know how much of the init 
routine is actually necessary anymore.  


Subject: [Shrdlu] Re: 397 problems 
From: Miles Davis > 
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 15:00:11 -0500 

Some things are named #SOMETHING, like #LOC for example. I think this is 
just part of the name, and not a special meaning like I thought before. 
The only problem is that some of these little bastards (and there are 
a lot of them) are all over the place...when I begin changing them I will 
make a list of oldname->newname so that people editing other files 
(blockp and blockl come to mind) will know what they are now called.

The real problem I have is things like 
Given tags like

    ONT   (: (CQ PA4SV) PONT NIL)

the following code 


barfs with

 *** - READ from #: there is no 
package with name "ONT"

Well, of course not, it's a jump tag (jesus! so many gotos). But why in 
two files is there a reference to ONT: (with colon). ALso seen in cgram:

       (COND ((NULL :RESULT) (M ONT:) (GO FAIL)))

I don't know what to do here.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] pitman q's 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 15:03:47 -0500 

> > (defun foo nargs (function body...))
> Is it actually called nargs?

it can be anything.. its just a symbol which is assigned the value of the 
number of args passed.. here's the LEXPR in plnr:

                            (THMATCH1 (ARG 1.) (ARG 2.)))
                    (COND ((> THX 2.) (ARG 3.)) (T THALIST))
                    (COND ((> THX 3.) (ARG 4.)) (T THALIST))))

So as you see here.. it is accessing differeng arg's based on how many 
args were passed.  What will probably be sufficient is defining it using
the arglist (&REST X) and then using (CAR X) instead of (ARG 1.), CADR for 
ARG 2.. etc and (LENGTH X) instead of THX:

                            (THMATCH1 (CAR X) (CADR X)))
                    (COND ((> (LENGTH X) 2.) (CADDR X)) (T THALIST))
                    (COND ((> (LENGTH X) 3.) (CADDDR X)) (T THALIST))))

so.. i guess we might as well change those to that.. they're certainly 
not going to work how they are.  (that is, if there are even any other 
LEXPR's in the whole source besides THMATCH).  


Subject: [Shrdlu] uparrow func explanations 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 22:25:16 -0500 

As I mentioned before.. ^ is the same as uparrow.. when you see ^W or ^Q 
it's a variable not a function.  IOC does the job of setting these 
variables.  IOC is a pointless function I think -- it just does SETQ (some 
uparrow variable) to false or true... Anyways.. hopefully we'll have more of 
an idea what we need to do with all these occurrences of these... I'm 
thinking maybe a lot of them are just taken care of by the operating system 
these days?  Here's a summary:

^Q If true, INFILE is the default input source (default is true)
(IOC Q) sets it true, (IOC S) sets it false

^A Terminal is.. paused?  (IOC A) sets ^A true.

^R If true, default output destinations are those listed in OUTFILES
If false, default output is current value of TYO
(IOC R) sets it true

(IOC G) stops the excecution

^W If true, Default output includes the terminal (^W sets it true)
^V sets it false

^D  If true, the garbage collector prints an informative message after each 
garbage collection.. ^D sets it true, 
^C sets it false


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] (M ONT:) 
From: Miles Davis > 
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 12:20:28 -0500 

> what is M?

M is (right now) a DEFPROP in progmr.


>        (COND ((NULL :RESULT) (M ONT:) (GO FAIL)))
> or maybe this is pitman fodder?

Nope, this is original.

WHat I don't get, it WTF does ONT: (with colon) mean? I don't find that 
defined anywhere...


Subject: [Shrdlu] questions 
From: "Matthew Fischer" > 
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 11:09:33 -0500 (CDT) 

  I updated the functions.list and my grpr program to include the
locations of more fixes.  Ie.  it now reports on whether or not the fix
comes from Pitman's notes, the Not.Pitman file, or is loaded from the fixes
file (which usually means no changes).  But As I went through the file and was
working on show (which I hope nobody else is), there are some functions that
either we dont know how to fix, or the fix location was not documented.  Here
is the list.  If you know where the fixes or info on it is, let me know.

  FLATSIZE (info in not.pitman about what it does, but not a fix)

  Also, if there are more standard MacLisp functions not listed in
functions.list that need to be fixed, feel free to add them.


Subject: [Shrdlu] Fexpr & Apply 
From: "Matthew Fischer" > 
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 12:22:56 -0500 (CDT) 

  I just added APPLY to the list of functions.  And, I also just
remembered that whenever you call APPLY on an FEXPR function, you need to
rewrite the APPLY (see the fixes file). 


Subject: [Shrdlu] (TYIPEEK #.) 
From: "Matthew Fischer" > 
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 12:57:26 -0500 (CDT) 

  According to the Pitman notes, the TYIPEEK rewrite does not support
(TYIPEEK #.)  Where # is a number...  This affects morpho, parser, show, and
syscom.  I guess I will ask Pitman if Josh cant come up with something. I am 
not even sure what TYIPEEK NUM would do.  Possibly peek # chars ahead??

  Another thing I came across is that the function ETAOIN is defined
in both files....  Any ideas on which is newer?


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] questions 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 17:16:24 -0500 

ETAOIN:  i cut out the two definitions and.. the one in parser has a 
comment at the top explaining the difference between the two.. it has a 
bugfix of some sort.. so the one in parser has stuff added to it which 
probably wont hurt.. if it freaks out, we can always use the older 


Well.. I mentioned that the one thing that should surely work is 
rearranging definitions so nothing references anything BEFORE it's 
defined.  It's really really hard to say what's correct, but in plnr, 
what I've done is change all global declares to declaims.  Common lisp 
doesnt like declares out in the open, but it *seems* to indicate that 
declaim is like the equivalent of a global declare.  But there's no way 
to be certain until we're testing it and it either works or freaks.  
Maybe someone should find a big bunch of LISP code and see if there's any 
declares or declaims or anything.. 

I mean like.. in plnr, before every function, tons of things are declared 
SPECIAL, and then right after the func, they're declared UNSPECIAL.  That 
seems to me to mean.. they're trying to use these variables without 
affecting previous usages of them.  I'm not sure you even have to do 
anything in lisp to make that happen.  

>   IOC

Hmmm.. check the mail i sent out about the uparrow funcs.. that's all I 
know right now.. a lot of it hinges on pitman's response to our last 
bunch of questions -- has he not replied to those?


I thought we had something on this.. i'll look for stuff


waiting for pitman... maybe its just wishful thinking but it seems like 
in maclisp you just have to do a lot of stuff handled automatically by 
the OS and by the interpreter... maybe we can just about chuck uread and 
not even need to replace it with anything.  I'm probably nuts.  


Subject: [Shrdlu] old defprop fix 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 17:47:39 -0500 

Something I noticed... If anyone is trying to fix DEFPROPS.. if the PROP 
being DEF'd is EXPR or FEXPR, you cant use DEFPROPFN (in "fixes").  In 
this case you'll have to refer to what's in hints.mlf:

        (DEFUN ONECONS (X) (CONS 1 X))
        is equal to


        is equal to


I know that there's plenty of functions defined in this way... sooner or 
later they'll all have to be rewritten this way.  There's some in newans, 
progmr, show, smutil, and syscom.  I don't know if anyone cares about 
that, but I thought I'd correct myself because I do remember saying that 
all occurrences of DEFPROP could be fixed by the macros in "fixes,"  but 
that's not true for FEXPR and EXPR properties.  


Subject: [Shrdlu] more maclisp notes 
From: Kent M Pitman >
(by way of Matt Fischer >) 
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 09:05:17 -0500 

   Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 16:37:24 -0500
   From: Matt Fischer 

   Some things are named #SOMETHING, like #LOC for example. I think this is 
   just part of the name, and not a special meaning like I thought before. 

That's right.  # used to be normal character.  (I think it was chosen
as a readmacro character partly because arrays had useless print
syntax that started with # and it seemed useful to protect # against
random uses.)

You should probably just do a huge Query Replace of # with \#
or pick another character to be either your dispatch character
(replacing Common Lisp's #) or your special character in SHRDLU
(replacing # at start of words).  For example, % might work ok if
it's not used for other things...
The main disadvantage of changing the SHRDLU notation is that it would
void any published remarks about the syntax of SHRDLU, but that's not
a major price to pay for CL compatibility.

   the following code 


   ALso seen in cgram:


   I don't know what to do here.

This is relatively easily dealt with, I think.
Just change the syntax of ":" in your readtable to be alphabetic.
Make sure to do this in a private readtable and it won't hurt the
loading of other files.  It will mean you can't do out-of-package
references to symbols in your file, so what you want to do is
to make sure all of your out-of-package references are already made
by the time you change the syntax.

Put this text somewhere in your system setup.  This will define the
readtable but will not enable it.  Feel free to use ":"  for package
prefixes even after this is done.

 (defvar *shrdlu-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
 ; I picked "$" as the character to pattern it off of rather than "A"
 ; since "A" is case-translating and I'm superstitious that copying
 ; "A" will mean it will try to find uppercase and lowercase ":" in
 ; some implementation. -kmp 12-Apr-1999
 (set-syntax-from-char #\: #\$ *shrdlu-readtable*)
 ; Optionally you could put 
 ; (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\$ *shrdlu-readtable*)
 ; here to make # an ordinary character in this context. -kmp 12-Apr-1999
 (defmacro in-shrdlu-syntax ()
   `(eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
      (setq *readtable* *shrdlu-readtable*)))

Then protect yourself against the need to do out-of-package references
by making local functions to wrap up nedes for external calls. e.g.,
if you need to do (system:foo-bar x y z) somewhere, you should instead

 (defun system-foo-bar (x y z) (system:foo-bar x y z))

so you can make a call (system-foo-bar x y z) without a ":" in it
later in the code.  Put all of these definitions in one file.
Note, in the case where the args align exactly, you can also do this
by just importing SYSTEM:FOO-BAR into the package and using (foo-bar x
y z) but you may find reasons there is a need to rename the symbol or
reasons you have to change the arg order or supply default args.  In
those cases, you will not be able to use simple importing.  

Finally, at the top of the files that you want to use the shrdlu
syntax for, just put (in-shrdlu-syntax) at the top, right after
the in-package form, as in:

 (in-package "SHRDLU")

The reason this will work with just a simple SETQ is that the
functions LOAD and COMPILE both bind *READTABLE* (to itself) for every
file they compile or load just so that code can re-assign it locally
to that one file with just a SETQ. Your code will compile/load without
affecting the global readtable you have to type in.

If you want to make a SHRDLU "listener", where you can type with this
same old-style syntax, you should make a

 (defun shrdlu-read (&optional (stream *standard-input*) eof-error eof-val)
   (let ((*package* (find-package "SHRDLU"))
         (*readtable* *shrdlu-readtable*))
     (read stream eof-error eof-val)))

   I just can't figure out why it'd be reading itself.  

I remember there was a reason for this but I can't think of what.
Incidentaly, ".application. (init)" was the conventional name of the
program init file on that operating system.  Sort of like
"application.ini" would be in modern terms.  It's possible that it's
related to this and that the UREAD caused the input to also be echoed
as if typed on the terminal. (Just a guess; as I probably mentioned, I
never used Old I/O very much--it was impossible to understand and New
I/O had come along just as I arrived on the scene, so most of my "use"
of it was rewriting it--just as yours is.  Though there were more
old-timers to ask back then.) I would just not worry about this.  I
doubt it affects anything.  You'll probably have to arrange for a
special loader for that file anyway since a modern lisp won't be
automatically loading that file anyway, and you can easily arrange for
that file to do any relevant echoing if that seems appropriate.

It is also true that some users had their own directories and some
did not.  So, for example, if FRED had a directory, then (crunit)
was going to return (FRED) but if he didn't then he would be in
(USERS).  People in USERS were scrunched in since there were a maximum
of 512 directories (fixed operating system limit) and there were many
1000's of users.  The USERS people were only allowed to make filenames
with their own name as a first filename, so you could only make names
like "USERS;JOE BLAH" but not "USERS;BLAH SOMETHING" becuase the latter
would belong to someone named BLAH.  A consequence is that in the
USERS dir, people didn't get the "luxury" of init files named
".PLNR. (INIT)" because that was something shared by everyone in the
same dir.  Instead, they had to call their init "JOE (PLNR)" and
mostly they did not bother because most such users (the ones who
did not have directories) were guests and didn't use PLNR.  Or used
it only very occasionally to try it out as a guest.  As such, it could
be--and this is starting to sound familiar--that all of this UREAD stuff
was accomplishing some kind of trick wherein they FIRST redirected 
input to ".PLNR. (INIT)" in the user's directory IF the file existed
and IF the directory existed.  That would cause all the forms in that
file to get loaded, and THEN when that was done it's possible that it
came back here to read the rest or else that it only came back here
if the UREAD failed.  (I can't remember; maybe the manual says
enough). Anyway, thinking about this I'm nearly 100% certain that this
was just a way of basically saying "if the user has a personal init,
load it here" [and you're just being confused by the same filename
because it was ".PLNR. (INIT)" both in his dir and in yours] and the
only part I'm even a little uncertain about is whether it was supposed
to come back and do this other stuff after.

   (original code...)
          (APPEND '(/.PLNR/.

   (current translation...)
         (APPEND '(/.PLNR/.

Yeah, I might just hcange this to
                   :TYPE "INI"
                         :CASE :COMMON
                                     :DEFAULTS (USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME))))
or some such thing.


Just fyi, ITS file names were funny in that they had two parts which
were symmetric.  "FOO BAR".  The "first filename" is now what we
call the "name" but the "second filename" (BAR) was variously the
type or the version.  So "FOO 47" was the 47th version of FOO but
"FOO LISP" was the only version of "FOO.LISP".  When you named 
"FOO >" you got "the largest extant version" on read and you got
"the next highest version" on write (i.e., "FOO 48").  The convention
was to find the "type" info in the file attribute list with the
"-*-LISP-*-" or just to somehow magically know it since there were
not simultaneous type and version.  Normally you'd have the numbered
versions be your source and compiled versions be compiled versions
of latest (something you could check by file date).  It was normal
to have "FOO 47" "FOO 48" and "FOO FASL" in your directory as a
cluster meaning "the last two source files and one compiled versoin".
All references to " >" just mean "most recent source of

     (LOAD )
   But I'm sure there's more to it than that.

No, this is essentially right.

   I'm not sure exactly what the 
   MACLISP compiler did & didn't do, so I don't know how much of the init 
   routine is actually necessary anymore.  

I wouldn't worry too much about this unless you seem to be getting a
wrong effect.  The maclisp compiler was a separate application.
If you were using UREAD you were not using the compiler but an
interpreter, and all of this was executing as it read.  The scary
part is that it MIGHT be the case that the system, or parts of it,
can't BE compiled.  But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
You should just keep it in mind.  It is possible to construct code 
sufficiently opaque to the compiler that you can't compile it.


Subject: [Shrdlu] changes to + etc 
From: "Matthew Fischer" > 
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:44:02 -0500 (CDT) 

  I have made some changes to to eliminate confusion.  
Some things in fixes, like DEFUN and some special APPLYs require you to
actually change code.  Others like EXPLODE and ASCII have been *re-implemented*
so that you dont have to make changes. will now report this,
things you need to fix show as [FIXES], things that are okay appear as

  Also, I am mostly done with data, however there are problems because
whats in the file really doesnt make any sense.

There is line after line just like this:
((\#IS :B6 \#BLOCK))

Now, IS is not defined anywhere that I can see, and neither is AT, which 
appears later.  Perhaps this is meant to be read from somewhere like
a datafile... 


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] changes to + etc 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 21:43:53 -0500 

> Now, IS is not defined anywhere that I can see, and neither is AT, which 

I think this would be it... I'm assuming there's something similar for 
AT, but I didn't check for it...

in dictio:


preceding that in dictio:

             (PROG (A)
             (AND (NULL (CDR L)) (RETURN L))
             (SETQ A (CAR L))
             (SETQ L (CDR L))
                        (SETF (GET A (CAR L)) (CADR L))
             (COND ((SETQ L (CDDR L)) (GO LOOP)))
             (RETURN A)))

So.. it occurs to me if we can't find something defined.. just grep the 
term and then grep DEF, so we find defprop, defun, defun-fexpr, and 
probably anything else if there is anything else


Subject: [Shrdlu] ont ont ont 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 00:04:36 -0500 

well.  So I realize that the only place ONT: is used is (like several 
other weird colon-things including DIRECTION: and DIMENSION:) within 
FEXPR's.  In fexpr's.. the things passed aren't evaluated.  So in other 
words.. when we look at (ONT: blah blah) inside a call to a FEXPR.. it's 
just a list.. it's not evaluated, so it's like just a list of items.. 
And I followed through what the fexpr does, and all it ever does is send 
that list, still unevaluated, to M, which conses it onto ME.  I don't 
think this "ME" really exists.  There is a "ME" which is DEFS'd in dictio 
but it makes no sense whatsoever to cons things onto this.. it's a 
dictionary entry for the word "me".  

Furthermore, just below the part where something is CONS'd onto ME, there 
is something else which does a SETQ on MESP.  Here's a grep of the entire 
source for occurrences of MESP:

Those things from parser and syscom are definitely not related, and are 
definitely not defining any global variable MESP.
So there's a function that SETQ's something that is never used anywhere 
else.  Fascinating.  I figure that this is actually also the case with 
ME.  Which means things are missing from this source, or else they just 
wont matter.  

i think ont: is probably just supposed to be a regular symbol like any 
other.. so.. pitman's readtable fix stuff I guess would work, but perhaps 
so would just renaming ont: to something else.. it's not even touched 
anyways, it's just tossed onto ME, and ME is never touched.  


Subject: [Shrdlu] my friend plnr. 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 01:58:29 -0500 

Buh.  All of this works.. but we still have nothing to show:

(load 'plnr.bad)



       (THGOAL (HUMAN $?X)))


Sorta.  Some things in the code are blatantly wrong.  I removed a (LIST ) from around 
something, and suddenly THASSERT worked just like it was supposed to, instead of causing an 
infinite loop.  

And my format for THASSERT is different than the manual suggests.  But it places it in the 
knowledge base.. along with the fallible-theorem.  

THGOAL... I've carefully looked this over and i dont know HOW this was supposed to 
determine if TURING is FALLIBLE.  Let alone HUMAN.  THGOAL always returns NIL.  I don't 
think it EVER searches the database... it might have somethign else search it, but it 
IGNORES whatever that something-else finds.   Lots of nutty crap going on in plnr.  I now 
flee in terror. 


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] just curious 
From: roy slater > 
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 14:08:03 -0700 

I subscribed (it seems) months ago - I too am not part of the school,
or the project, but have been trying to get SHRDLU working under
FRANZ LISP (FreeBSD 2.2.7)

I have a fair bit of code sorted out, but have almost stopped.
I am now re-writing large portions of the code in REXX, which seems
to me to be somewhat less fragile, and more transparent.
I have Winograd's book, but it refers to code which is far older than
the source I pulled from MIT (which was corrupted in some places anyway)


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] What I'm doing.... 
From: Keldon Jones > 
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:33:13 -0500 

On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 06:52:00AM -0500, Andrew Adrian wrote:
> Basically, I was trying to go through some of the files everyone forgot
> about and see where some of the dependencies lied in those.  Then I looked
> at cgram.... For anyone that hasn't looked at it, it's a complete mess.  I'm
> in the process of reformatting it so I can read it and understand what is
> going on.  It would appear that it's heavily tied in with the semantics
> process ( and may be the reason the semantics stuff doesn't work ).  I've
> gotten about 3/4 through the file, and only found 2 function definitions.
> One is CLAUSE, and the other is NG.  I've got a copy local that I've been
> dealing with, it's not checked out of CVS.... I suppose I should do that.

  The "cgram" file is a preprocessed version of the "gramar" file.
The preprocessor is in the "macros" file.  Basically, you must always
regenerate cgram whenever you change "gramar".  Read the comments at the
top of the "macros" file for instructions on how to do that.  I should
have made the preprocessor output some comment to the top of "cgram"
saying that it was a machine-generated file and that it shouldn't be
edited, sorry.

> BTW... Does anyone know what (:|| var1 var2 var3 [var4]) is supposed to do?
> I can't find a def for the :|| anywhere.  Thanks!

  I couple of days ago I fixed the preprocessor to expand those
macros before writing the cgram file.  Basically, the ":" function is
an if..then..else function.  The optional third branch is taken when
there is no more sentence left to parse.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] project sponsor meeting 
From: Keldon Jones > 
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 17:38:58 -0500 

  We can "doctor" an output from Programmer a bit by grepping
the output for "SUCEEDED".  If we take the sentence "Had you touched
any pyramid before you put the green one on the little cube?", you
get this:

                            GREEN ONE ON THE LITTLE CUBE)

  It's not too messy, and illustrates the fact that the
parser is actually putting together groups of words correctly.


Subject: [Shrdlu] graphics & answering 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 13:49:17 -0500 

Keldon showed us (or maybe just in a mail to me), that you can FEED the correct stuff to the answer part
of shrdlu.  In other words we could potentially start getting SHRDLU to generate the correct output, regardless of
whether it can actually acquire the info yet.  The fact that it doesn't UNDERSTAND input sentences isn't necessarily a
roadblock to testing the answer system.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] graphics & answering 
From: Keldon Jones > 
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 14:27:30 -0500 

  The original display code was written in assembly for the DEC
740 graphics terminal (or something to that effect).  That code is
not included in what we have, and may be lost.


Subject: [Shrdlu] Bypassing planner 
From: Keldon Jones > 
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 14:36:37 -0500 

  Here's my message to Josh about the answering code.  Note that
the "quick hack" mentioned has not been checked into CVS.  I'll include
it here:

                  (ERT FOR PLANNER))
-            (SETQ RESULT (THVAL AA '((EV COMMAND)) ))
+            ;(SETQ RESULT (THVAL AA '((EV COMMAND)) ))
             (OR (= M-GC 0.)
                 (SETQ MPLNR-TIME (- MPLNR-TIME (TIMER M-GC 0.))

  A quick hack lets me bypass planner code and return whatever value
I want to the calling code.  In this way I can fool the rest of the
program into thinking that planner is working.  After fixing a few bugs in
the answering code, I got this:

how many blocks are in the box?

(THFIND ALL (THV #:X2) (#:X2) (THGOAL (|#IS| (THV #:X2) |#BOX|)
                                      (THDBF MUMBLE)))

>>> (return '(:box))

  (THFIND ALL (THV #:X1) (#:X1) (THGOAL (|#IS| (THV #:X1) |#BLOCK|)
                                        (THDBF MUMBLE))

>>> (return '(:b2 :b3 :b4))



Subject: [Shrdlu] thfind sorta works 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:12:08 -0500 

definite progress with thfind:
(thval '(thfind all (thv x) (x) (thgoal (\#color (thv x) \#red))) '((x thunassigned)))
it'll return ((:b1) (:b5) (:b6))
(which are the red ones...)
likewise with a pyramid or whatever.
It doesn't filter through for 2 goals so far though
it just finds all thigns fitting the first goal.

Some function was returning NIL on success.  I have no idea why.  I changed it and suddenly it returns 
all things that satisfy the goal.  Hmm.  


Subject: [Shrdlu] Notes on special variables 
From: Keldon Jones > 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 22:32:55 -0500 

  I wanted to say a few things about special variables and what
problems they're causing for us, and how you can find and fix those
problems in the code.
  Special variables are variables that are declared in one place
and then referenced in another.  Usually a special variable is declared
in one function and then used or changed in a called function of the
first one.  Note that this isn't really a global variable, since when
the function that declared the variable exits, the variable is
destroyed.  Here's how one declares a special variable:

(defun foo (x y)
  (declare (special x))
  (bar 'something))

or when the variable is declared in a "prog":

(defun foo (x y)
  (prog (a b)
    (declare (special b))

  Now, these variables where used rather recklessly in SHRDLU.
Apparently, in those days, they did not have to be declared as such.
They cause two different sets of problems: when their value is read,
and when it is changed.
  When a special variable's value is read, and the variable is
not declared as special in any of the calling functions, the result
is made very clear: the LISP interpreter halts with an error.  The
fix here is to find the calling function that declared the variable
and declare it special.
  The more difficult case is when an undeclared variable is
written to, usually with "setq".  When this happens, a new local
variable is created, which is completely different than the one
declared in the calling function.  Then, later, when the calling
function checks to see what the called function set the variable
to, it finds that nothing has changed, and behaves incorrectly.
This is extremely bad, since it fails silently (without an error
from the LISP interpreter).
  I have noticed that if you try to compile the source, the
compiler spits out tons of warnings about undeclared variables that
are assumed to be declared as special.  Apparently you have to
declare variables as special in functions where they are *used*, as
well as where they are declared.  Perhaps this feature could be
used to help find any remaining problems related to these variables.


Subject: [Shrdlu] thfind working in a major way 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 16:53:34 -0500 

thfind details:
i'm without my plnr book or I'd test some more complicated cases, like those 
involving 2 variables, but for 1 variable, all cases seem to work.

Here's something it'll do:

 (thval '(thfind ALL (THV x) (x) (thgoal (\#is (thv x) \#block)) (thgoal 
(\#color (thv x) \#green)) (THOR (THGOAL (\#SUPPORT :B6 (thv x))) (thgoal 
(\#support :TABLE (thv x))))) '((x thunassigned)))

that finds every green block that is supported by b6 or the table.. and of 
course it'll find any subset of this.. (i threw in the b6 part later).  I'm 
not sure off the top of my head how you'd find all green blocks supported by 
another block, and actually say what that block was.

anyways you get back ((:B3) (:B7)) for the above thing.

Again it was another very blatant error it seems.. when we have that 
sequence of goals, it evaluated the first one, and after that it called a 
function which FOUND the next one, and stored it in a global variable.  But 
the FIRST thing done after this functionw as called was to set that variable 
to NIL, regardless of anything, so it could NEVER find a second expression 
and in fact just succeeded as though there were no more goals.  All I did 
was have it check if the global variable was CHANGED after calling this 
function, by comparing it to its former value... and bam it works.. nuts.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] thfind working in a major way 
From: Keldon Jones > 
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:01:19 -0500 

On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 04:53:34PM -0500, Joshua Sutterfield wrote:

>  (thval '(thfind ALL (THV x) (x) (thgoal (\#is (thv x) \#block)) (thgoal 
> (\#color (thv x) \#green)) (THOR (THGOAL (\#SUPPORT :B6 (thv x))) (thgoal 
> (\#support :TABLE (thv x))))) '((x thunassigned)))

  Hmm, it is important to note that when the rest of the code calls
planner functions, the second parameter to thval will not be:

'((x thunassigned))

but will instead be:

'((ev command))

  That is, x will not be set at all.  I think that one of the first
things that thfind does is to call thbind on the variables it'll use.
Does thfind still work with a different variable list passed?


Subject: [Shrdlu] fwd> Re: java frontend for lisp? 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 06:26:36 -0500 

Got this response about a lisp interpreter in java... 

Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:17:08 -0700
To: "Joshua Sutterfield" 
From: "Justin Voskuhl" 
Reply-To: "Justin Voskuhl" 
Subject: Re: java frontend for lisp?

I have implemented such a thing if you're interested.  The LISP variant it
implements is called Dylan, and is fairly close to Scheme.  The URL you want

It implements a primitive debugger, primitive graphics etc.  All written in
Java, and runnable as an applet and as an application.  Students in the
class used it under MacOS, Solaris, and Windows succesfully.

I wrote the original, Cornell and Dartmouth have both patched and fixed it
in places, and the sources are there if you want them, or I can point you at
them on a share I maintain.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] Corman Lisp 
From: "Andrew Adrian" > 
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 07:00:25 -0600 

Stuff we'll need to send the interface:
    we can reroute stdout to be the socket pipe, so SAY won't need to be
changed much; just the addition of delimiters so the interface knows what to
do with what it's getting and when it ends
    MOVETO will pretty much be all sending stuff through the socket
    GRASP and UNGRASP can just be single characters sent through
and that's about it.  There won't need to be any kind of semi-permanent
storage of what's been moved or where because that's all already done in the
LISP (in theory anyway).


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] Bug list 
From: roy slater > 
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 09:22:23 -0800 

> -- Pick up a red block.
> This appears to be a problem in the function SMCL1.

I had the same problem with my version, much less advanced than yours.
My test sentence CHOOSE A BLOCK failed just like this, until I
dummied out a call to SMCL-MODIFIERS right at the end of SMCL1. You
may want to look in that area.  I recollect the main thing was a bad 
call to ISQ.


Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] Moving blocks 
From: Keldon Jones > 
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:48:31 -0600 

On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 05:42:01PM -0600, Joshua Sutterfield wrote:
> > MOVING HAND TO (100 340 500)
> > MOVING HAND TO (900 285 200)
> > MOVING HAND TO (100 450 300)
> > MOVING HAND TO (100 450 1000)
> So.. it changes the assertions & all that or.. what exactly is it
> changing..  is it hitting those non-existent graphics functions yet? 

  It apparently changes the assertions correctly.  At least,
I haven't found any problems with that yet.  I've written some
replacements for those non-existant graphics functions.  They print
out the messages you have above.  There are four of them (Andy will
need to change what they do, probably).  I've put them in the file


Subject: [Shrdlu] meeting thurs 6pm 213 yada. 
From: Joshua Sutterfield > 
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 00:59:19 -0600 

shrdlu is now changing its world and answering lots of junk right...
and it executes all the functions that should eventually send all their 
stuff to Java.  Anyways pretty dern quick we'll have to figure out how to 
do sockets in Corman.. there's examples & stuff.  And then I guess we'll 
take every print statement the user's supposed to see and run it to some 
function we'd make called (sendsock '|the blue one|)
and for the move & other commands we'd just use the normal command name 
but put a pound in front of it or something.. (sendsock '|#MOVEHAND 100 
340 500|)
and likewise we'd need (getsock)
which would take the place of every (read) I assume,
and at the end or upon close, Java would send "~" (shrdlu's exit signal).

One thing is, to get things to work in corman lisp, i'm pretty sure we 
*have* to get rid of all escaped colons.  I believe the actual colon 
function defined doesn't cause a problem.. but I just replaced all the 
\:'s with -'s and it didn't seem to behave differently in CLISP.  Not 
that I was able to test it in corman.. there were still a few other 
problems.. taking cars of lists & stuff


From: "Joshua Sutterfield" 
Subject: [Shrdlu] meet after presentations today?
Date: Thursday, December 02, 1999 8:55 AM

It looks like everything that happens in CLISP happens with Corman now..
corman had some really ridiculous shortcomings to work around..
particularly one with the way it handled calls to EVAL.. and several
stupid problems with characters & symbols (you cant use colons, even with
an escape; it doesn't allow numbers as symbols; it cant coerce a
single-character symbol into just the character).  So next would be to
figure out how to do the sockets.

I noticed that at least in clisp, everywhere there's a read-char, you can
just change it to (read-char stream) to read from a socket stream.
anyways.. i have plenty of questions about the frontend, but don't really
need any info to continue working with Corman stuff.  I have gone through
all of the shrdlu transcript so I know which parts do and dont work
there, and a few ideas as to why (i've had to go thru a LOT of it to find
the problems with Corman).


From: "Andrew Adrian" 
Subject: [Shrdlu] class files uploaded to cvs
Date: Friday, December 03, 1999 12:44 PM

You can use the arrow keys, 
PageUp, and PageDn to change the viewpoint/zoom.  Below is a chart of what the keys do.  
Holding the Alt key while pressing one of the other keys changes the function slightly.  
The keys are bound such that it will move the camera, not the scene itself. 

Key              Movement          Alt+key Movement
left-arrow       rotate left           translate left
right-arrow     rotate right         translate right
up-arrow        zoom in
down-arrow    zoom out
PageUp         rotate up            translate up
PageDn         rotate down        translate down

Also, the Java3D API 
leans heavily on OpenGL, so if you don't have that, it won't work.


From: "Joshua Sutterfield" 
Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] not meeting?
Date: Friday, December 03, 1999 7:03 PM

> Just sending a Byte instead of a ByteStream....

Well from what I understand it doesn't matter how it's sent..
you can send a stream and shrdlu just reads it character by character
until there's nothing left out there, and then it blocks...
so I wasn't really concerned about how the frontend sends things

> when you send shrdlu bad commands now, it just spits out a bunch of
> debugging code, right?  Or does it completely barf-out?

Well, some things just drop it out of ready mode.  It drops you to a prompt
which I THINK is purely shrdlu's, and where you'd have to type GO (again)
to get back into ready mode.  The thing is, I believe sometimes it
actually breaks back to CLISP, which in a compiled version would mean the
program totally dying.  So if shrdlu still exists, a GO should be
sufficient (and it will respond READY) to bring it back.  Perhaps the
actual function which I compile can be a error-catching thing that will
call (shrdlu) again if it fails.. thus we'd hang onto all the changes in
the world.


From: "Andrew Adrian" 
Subject: [Shrdlu] CLISP info...
Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 12:04 PM

CLISP is on the CVS tree, in the tester directory.  To start it up, you type 
clisp -M lispinit.mem . I've got an alias set up in my .usercshrc file to do 
that for me, but you can do it however you want.  You could also add that 
directory to your PATH variable.  Whatever.  If you specify a filename after 
the lispinit.mem, it will automatically load that file into the interpreter.  
That's the cleanest way of doing it, but you don't get all the other neat 
features of CLISP that way.  There was a lot of debugging code added/found 
in the shrdlu implementation we have, and most of it is quite useful, but 
can only be turned on before the shrdlu loop is started.


From: "Dan Knapp" 
Subject: Re: [Shrdlu] Ert
Date: Friday, April 07, 2000 7:45 PM

>   Trying to find out exactly what the ert function does in the syscom file.  

  It's a debugging function.  When it's called, execution is suspended while
the user inspects variables and things...  You should probably ignore it.