Working papers

Working Papers

Electoral incentives, investment in roads, ans safety on local roads.

with Leonzio Rizzo and Riccardo Secomandi

December 2021, WP SIEP 107/2021 (pdf)

Team performance and audience: experimental evidence from the football sector

with Gianluca Gucciardi

August 2020, WP SIEP 760/2020 (pdf)

Political cycles and yardstick competition in the recycling of waste. Evidence from Italian provinces

with Massimiliano Mazzanti, Matteo Mazzarano, Leonzio Rizzo and Riccardo Secomandi

August 2020, WP SIEP 759/2020 (pdf) and IEB Working Paper 2020/12 (pdf).

The (Re)Allocation of Migrants during the Great Lockdown

flagged by the World Health Organization (WHO) as relevant to the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.

June 05, SSRN Workin Paper Series available here

COVID-19: "Lockdown" and institutions

with Christos Kotsogiannis, Leonzio Rizzo and Riccardo Secomandi

May 2020, WP SIEP 755/2020 (pdf)

La spesa standard regionale nella Legge Calderoli: il caso della sanitĂ 

with Laura Bertin and Leonzio Rizzo,

October 2010. WP SIEP 643/2010. (pdf)