Papers R&R

International  journals

The spatial economic impact of crime: evidence from the construction sector in Italian municipalities (with Leonzio Rizzo and Ricardo Secomandi). Cesifo Economic Studies. Forthcoming.

Immigrants, social transfers for education, and spatial interactions. The Journal of Urban Economics, 136, 2023.

Waste recycling and yardstick competition among Italian provinces after the EU Waste Framework Directive (with Massimiliano Mazzanti, Matteo Mazzarano, Leonzio Rizzo and Riccardo Seccomandi). Regional Studies, 57, 1535-1545, 2023.

Team performance and the perception of being observed: experimental evidence from top-level professional football (with Gianluca Gucciardi). German Economic Review, 24, 1-31, 2022.

Political alignment, centralisation, and the sense of government unpreparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic (with Gianluca Gucciardi).  The European Journal of Political Economy, 73, 2022. Media Coverage: VoxEU;; SIEP - Temi di Economia Pubblica (IT) and (UK)

Immigration, fear of crime and public spending on Security (with Vincenzo Bove and Leandro Elia). The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 39, 235-280, 2023 Media Coverage: VoxEU; Il Foglio;, Open Migration

Who chokes on a penalty kick? Social environment and individual performance during Covid-19 times (with Gianluca Gucciardi). Economics Letters, 203, 2021.

Political budget cycle, tax collection mimicking and yardstick competition. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 21, 1149-1161, 2021.Media Coverage: LSE European Politics and Policy (Europp Blog), LaVoce.

Governments' late payments and firms' survival. Evidence from the European Union (with Maurizio Conti, Leandro Elia and Antonella Ferrara). The Journal of Law and Economics, 64, 603-627. Media Coverage: LSE European Politics and Policy (Europp Blog), LaVoce, EU Science Hub.

Savings from public procurement centralization in the health care system (with Gianluca Gucciardi and Leonzio Rizzo). European Journal of Political Economy, 66, 2021. Media Coverage:

Widespread swabs testing and the fight against the Covid-19 outbreak (with Giuseppe Migali, Leonzio Rizzo and Riccardo Secomandi). Regional Studies, Regional Science, 8, 85-87, 2021.

Centralisation, voter perception, and the sense of government unpreparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy (with Gianluca Gucciardi). Covid Economics, 60, 110-141, 2020. Highlighted by CEPR.

The Great Lockdown and its determinants (with Christos Kotsogiannis, Leonzio Rizzo and Riccardo Secomandi). Economics Letters, 197, 2020. Media Coverage: SIEP - Temi di Economia Pubblica (IT) and (UK)

Political cycles, spatial interactions and yardstick competition: evidence from Italian cities. Journal of Economic Geography , Vol. 20, 1093-1115, 2020. 

Switch towards tax centralization in Italy: a wake up for the local political budget cycle (with Umberto Galmarini, Leonzio Rizzo and Alberto Zanardi).  International Tax and Public Finance , Vol. 26, 872-898, 2019.

Did the EU Airport Charges Directive lead to lower aeronautical charges? Empirical evidence from a diff-in-diff research design (with Maurizio Conti  and Antonella Ferrara). Economics of Transportation, Vol. 17, 24-39, 2019. 

Decentralisation and Fuel Subsidies (with Christos Kotsogiannis and Leonzio Rizzo).  Energy Economics, Vol. 74, 275-286, 2018. 

Does Inter-municipal cooperation promote efficiency gains? Evidence from Italian Municipal Unions (with Giuseppe Migali and Leonzio Rizzo).  Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 58, Issue, 5, 1017-1044, 2018

Spillover effects in local public spending (with Giuseppe Migali and Leonzio Rizzo). Regional Studies, 52, 1570-1584, 2018. 

Infrastructure spillovers and strategic interaction: does the size matter? (with Umberto Galmarini and Leonzio Rizzo). International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 240-272, 2018. 

Policy outcomes of single and double-ballot elections (with  Leonzio Rizzo and Alberto Zanardi). International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 22, Issue 6, 977-998, 2015. 

National journals

The (Re)Allocation of migrants during the Great Lockdown in Italy. Economia Politica, 39, 403-426, 2022.

Interazione spaziale nella spesa dei comuni Italiani: un'analisi empirica (with Giuseppe Migali, Francesa Nordi, Leonzio Rizzo and Riccardo Secomandi). Scienze Regionali, Italian Journal of Regional Science, 2, 249-273, 2020. 

L'impatto della contabilità euro-compatibile in un'auspicabile evoluzione del patto di stabilità interno (with Leonzio Rizzo). Economia Pubblica, 3, 31-57, 2015.

Dal saldo del patto di stabilità interno al saldoeuro-compatibile: un’applicazione ai comuni dell’Emilia Romagna (with Luigi Marattin and Leonzio Rizzo). Rivista di Politica Economica, I-III, 183-215, 2015. 

Dimensione ed interdipendenza territoriale nelle spese comunali per infrastrutture: analisi teorica e verifica empirica (with Leonzio Rizzo). Politica Economica, 1, 73-106, 2014. 

Fabbisogni e costi nella stima della spesa standard: una simulazione per i comuni Pugliesi (with Leonzio Rizzo). Politica Economica, XXVIII (3), 343-369, 2012.