Policy Papers

European Commission

Energy State Aid: A Toolbox on Counterfactual Impact Evaluation (with Farrell Nial, Elena Crivellaro, Antonella Ferrara, Silvia Granato, Athanasios Lapatinas, Daniele Vidoni and Ludovica Giua), JRC Techincal report 129621, EU document prepared for DG COMP, 2022.

Support to the quality assessment of evaluation plans and reports in the area of State Aid (EVALSA II): the 2021 activity report (with Elena Crivellaro, Antonella Ferrara and Ludovica Giua), JRC Technical report 126946, EU restricted document prepared for DG COMP, 2021. The report is mentioned in the 2021 Annual report on Competition Policy, Commission Staff Working Document (2022)188.

Regional State Aid: a toolbox on Counterfactual Impact Evaluation (with Maurizio Conti, Antonella Ferrara and Ludovica Giua), JRC Technical report 125911, EU restricted document prepared for DG COMP, 2021.

Report on 2020 activities of the Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation undertaken in relation to upstream meetings of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board with Commission Services, JRC Technical report 123111, EU restricted document prepared for SEC. GEN, 2021.

Assessment of the evaluation support study on the EU competition rules applicable to horizontal agreements in the HBERs and the guidelines (with Antonella Ferrara), JRC Technical report 124183, EU restricted document prepared for DG COMP, 2021.

Support to the quality assessment of evaluation plans and reports in the area of State Aid (EVALSA): the 2020 activity report (with Antonella Ferrara and Ludovica Giua), JRC Technical report 122871, EU restricted document prepared for DG COMP, 2020. The report is mentioned in the 2020 Annual report on Competition Policy, Commission Staff Working Document (2021)177.

Common shareholding in Europe (with Nicoletta Rosati, Pietro Bomprezzi, Annalisa Frigo and Michela Nardo), JRC Technical report 121476, document prepared for DG COMP, 2020. The report is mentioned in the 2020 Annual report on Competition Policy, Commission Staff Working Document (2021)177.

Assessment of the evaluation support study on the EU competition rules on the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and its guidelines (with Annalisa Frigo), JRC Technical report 121878, EU restricted document prepared for DG COMP, 2020.

Report on 2019 activities of the Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation undertaken in relation to upstream meetings of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board with Commission Services, JRC Technical report 119649, EU restricted document prepared for SEC. GEN, 2020, mentioned in the Annual Report 2019 of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board.

The Airport Charges Directive and the level of Airport Charges (with Maurizio Conti, Leandro Elia and Antonella Ferrara), JRC Technical Report 110275, mentioned in the Commission Staff Working Document (2019)291 on the Evaluation of the Directive 2009/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on airport charges, 2019.

Support to the quality assessment of evaluation plans and reports in the area of State Aid (EVALSA): the 2019 activity report (with Antonella Ferrara, Annalisa Frigo and Ludovica Giua), JRC Technical report 118441, EU restricted document prepared for DG COMP, 2019. The report is mentioned in the 2019 Annual report on Competition Policy, Commission Staff Working Document (2020)126.

The Late payment directive and the economic performance of firms (with Maurizio Conti, Leandro Elia and Antonella Ferrara), JRC Technical report 115002, EU restricted document prepared for DG GROW, 2018.

Support to the quality assessment of evaluation plans and reports in the area of State Aid (EVALSA) (with Antonella Ferrara and Ludovica Giua), JRC Technical report 114372, EU restricted document prepared for DG COMP, 2018.

Data provisions for evaluation in the MFF legislative proposals: the state of play, JRC Technical report 114880, EU restricted document prepared for SEC. GEN, 2018.

An analysis of the influence of remedies and sanctions on consumers' exposure to unfair commercial practices and shopping problems (with Giulia Canzian and Antonella Ferrara), JRC Technical Report 110275, mentioned in the Commission Staff Working Document (2018)96 on amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC, Directive 98/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards better enforcement and modernisation of EU consumer protection rules, 2018.

A note on the infringement procedure No 2014/2143 – Implementation of Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payment in commercial transactions (with Montezuma Dumangane), JRC Technical Report 110320, EU restricted document sent to the Court of Auditor, 2017

Regional Council Policy Papers

L'assetto istituzionale e gli Enti locali in Lombardia - Piano delle Ricerche 2013-2014 del Consiglio Regionale - Regione Lombardia, pp. 91-117, July 2014. (pdf)

L'incidenza della tassazione locale sull'offerta dei servizi alla persona - Piano delle Ricerche 2013-2014 del Consiglio Regionale - Regione Lombardia, July 2014. (pdf)

Gli enti locali nella transazione verso il federalismo - Piano delle Ricerche per l'anno 2011 del Consiglio Regionale - Regione Lombardia, March 2012. (pdf)

Policy Papers

Unioni di Comuni: risparmi di spesa? Il caso della Lombardia

with Leonzio Rizzo

prepared for Eupolis Lombardia

December 2014. (pdf)

Contabilità euro-compatibile: come cambierebbe il saldo del patto di stabilità per i comuni lombardi?

with Francesca Nordi and Leonzio Rizzo

prepared for Eupolis Lombardia

December 2014. (pdf)