Masanori Yokoo (横尾昌紀)


Faculty of Economics & Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Okayama University

Tsushimanaka 3-1-1, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8530


Published Papers (selected)

"Controlling Chaotic Fluctuations through Monetary Policy,"  (with Takao Asano and Akihisa Shibata)

Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics (2024)

"Technology Choice, Externalities in Production, and a Chaotic Middle-Income Trap,"  (with Takao Asano and Akihisa Shibata)

Journal of Economics (2023)

"Middle-Income Traps and Complexity in Economic Development,"  (with Takao Asano and Akihisa Shibata)

Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics 27 (2023), 553-565.

"Quasi-Periodic Motions in a Two-Class Economy with Technology Choice: An Extreme Case,"  (with Takao Asano and Akihisa Shibata)

Nonlinear Dynamics 110 (2022), 945-961.

"A Simple Model of Growth Cycles with Technology Choice," (with Yosuke Umezuki)

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 100 (2019), 164-175.

"Chaotic Dynamics of a Piecewise Linear Model of Credit Cycles," (with Takao Asano)

Journal of Mathematical Economics 80 (2019), 9-21.

"Misperception-driven Chaos: Theory and Policy Implications," (with Junichiro Ishida)

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32 (2008), 1732-1753.

"Threshold Nonlinearities and Asymmetric Endogenous Business Cycles," (with Junichiro Ishida)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 54 (2004), 175-189.

"Stability, Chaos and Multiple Attractors: A Single Agent Makes a Difference," (with Tamotsu Onozaki and Gernot Sieg)

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 27 (2003), 1917-1938.

"Complex Dynamics in a Cobweb Model with Adaptive Production Adjustment," (with Tamotsu Onozaki and Gernot Sieg)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 41 (2000), 101-115.

"Chaotic Dynamics in a Two-Dimensional Overlapping Generations Model,"

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24 (2000), 909-934.