>> Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Ph.D. Mathematics Education, 2004
Advisor: Margaret Niess
>> State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York
M.A. in Mathematics, 1991
>> State University College, Potsdam, New York
B.A. in Mathematics, 1985
Professional Experience
State University of New York Cortland
2010-present Associate Professor
2007-2010 Assistant Professor
Courses Taught: Math Methods I (UG/GR), Math Methods II (UG/GR), Seminar in Mathematics Education (GR), Math for Elementary Teachers I and II (UG), College Algebra (UG), Calculus I (UG).
State University of New York Canton
2002-2007 Associate Professor and Chair
1997-2000 TA/GA at Oregon State University
1993-1997 Assistant Professor
1991-1993 Instructor
Courses Taught: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Survey of Math, Statistics, Calculus I, II, and III.
Hammond Central School
1987-1991 Mathematics Teacher
Courses Taught: Math 8, Course I, II, and III, Pre-Calculus, A.P. Calculus
Schubert C., Gfeller, M.K., Donohue C. (2012). Using group explorer in teaching abstract algebra. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
Gfeller, M. K. (2010). A teacher's conception of communication in geometry proofs. School Science and Mathematics. School Science and Mathematics,
Erickson, D. K., Niess, M. L., & Gfeller, M. K. (2000). Using portfolios for formative assessment in a preservice teacher education program in secondary school mathematics. Proceeding for the annual meeting of the American Mathematics Teacher Educators, Charlotte, NC.
Gfeller, M. K., Niess, M. L., & Lederman, N. G. (1999). Preservice teachers’ use of multiple representations in solving arithmetic mean problems. School Science and Mathematics, 99(5), 250-257.
Gfeller, M. K. (1999). Mathematical MIAs. School Science and Mathematics, 99(2), 57-59.
Gfeller, M. K., & Pagano, A. (2015). Co-teaching and special education in secondary science and mathematics classrooms. Presentation at the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Atlanta, GA.
Pagano, A., & Gfeller, M.K. (2015). The evolution of trust in co-teaching relationships in a clinically rich model for teacher preparation. Presentation at the National Association of Professional Development Schools, Atlanta, GA.
Gfeller, M. K. (2015). The Fold and Cut Theorem, Tech Savvy Conference, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY.
Gfeller, M. K., & Beney, K. (2012). Exploring discourse through a secondary math PDS. Presentation at the National Association of Professional Development Schools, Las Vegas, NV
Gfeller, M. K., Barnett, M. (2011). Creating successful tiered lessons for the mathematics classroom. NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Phelan, G., Gfeller, M.K., Freese, K. (2010). Recruitment activities engage students and faculty. Poster presentation. NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference, Washington, DC.
Schubert, C., & Gfeller, M. K. (2010). Teaching abstract algebra using technology. Presentation at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA.
Darrow, V., Henry, J., & Gfeller, M. K. (2010). Talk math to me! Presentation at the 60th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rye, NY.
Gfeller, M. K., Dickerson, D. S., Marsh, A. (2008). Using a visual approach to reinforce algebra solutions. Presentation at the 58th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rye, NY.
Miller, W. & Gfeller, M. K. (2008). Exploring mathematics through geography. Presentation at the 58th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Rye, NY.
Gfeller, M. K. & Neiss, M. (2005). An investigation of tenth grade students’ views of the purposes of geometric proof. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, QC.
Schwartz, R., Gfeller, M. K., & Lederman, N. G. (2001). Integrating science and mathematics: A natural connection or strange bedfellows? Presentation at the joint meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and the Association for Educators of Science Teaching, Costa Mesa, CA.
Gfeller, M. K., Niess, M. L., & Lederman, N. G. (2000). High school students’ epistemological views of mathematics. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
SUNY Cortland Noyce Project Phase II (2015-2020): Co-PI, with Greg Phelan (PI), Rena Janke (Co-PI), Angela Pagano (Co-PI), Noelle Chaddock (Co-PI)
Clinically Rich Teacher Preparations Pilot Program, Co-Pl, with Angela Pagano (PI)
Professional Development Grant with Cortland City Schools (2009-2012), PI
SUNY Cortland Noyce Project (2009-2015): Co-PI, with Greg Phelan (PI), Rena Janke (Co-PI), Larry Klotz (Co-PI), Anne Burns-Thomas (Co-PI)
St. Lawrence County Math Partnership Grant (2004-2007): Co-PI, with Gail Gotham (PI)
CAEP Self-Study, 2015-present
NYSUT Math, Science, Technology Committee, 2009-2015
NCATE SPA writer, 2007 - present
Teacher Education Council, 2009 - 2014
Adolescence Education Council, 2008 - present
Department Personnel Committee (Chair), 2011-2013, 2014-2016
NCATE Teacher Dispositions Committee, 2010 – 2012
Long Range Planning Committee, 2010 – 2013
Department Curriculum Committee, 2009 - 2010
Department Chair Committee (Chair), 2009 - 2010
Quantitative Skills Committee, 2008-2010
Honors Convocation Committee, Co-chair, 2008-present
Assistant Provost for Teacher Education Search Committee, 2009
Professional Memberships
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics