Comms Link

Pop Out and Print Republished Manual

The Republished PSION Organiser II Comms Link Manual below contains the original 1989 manual and more up to date information on connecting to a Windows Computer. For those users new to or just getting started with the Organiser check out page 2 What do I need and the Connection Tips which considers the best way to connect to a Windows Computer for each different operation or file type.

Comms Link Manual

Comms Link Manual LZ.pdf

Comms Link History

Comms Link History.pdf

This is the original 1980's Comms Link cable. Page 2 of the manual explains what you need if you have one of these. Early versions were called 'RS232 link' these were renamed Comms Link after the PSION protocol was developed. You can check which version you have by looking for the PSION protocol in the set-up menu. Before Boris produced Psi2Win. The PC end of the Comms Link was controlled by DOS software supplied on a floppy disk. In the 1990's Dave Woolnough complied the latest version of the files on this disk in to this cl211.ZIP (here). Apple product users might try the CL for Mac from Jaap's web site. He advises users to place it in root directory, not on desktop. The Macintosh section - page 26 - of the manual above suggests 'Copy the Comms Link folder and the 'SysErrs.Err' file to a folder named 'Comms Link' (no other name will work)'. CL for Mac (here).

Comms Link Not Working

There are many reasons why a Comms Link might not be working. Yves Martin a PSION Organiser II Forum Member had a 'connection' issue and produced this report in order to help others with a similar issue


This is a modern USB comms link originally produced by Olivier Gossuin - A Belgium enthusiast. Now reproduced by an Organiser II Forum Member Andrew Menadue and available in the 'the powerful Pierre' eBay store, You can (contact seller) to ask when the next batch is due in store. Again page 2 of the above manual explains how to use this.

The development of this 'new' USB Comms Link has led to a shortage of covers to encase the circuit board. This in turn led to the proposed consideration of a 3D printed replacement.

Please note: Anyone with a surplus Organiser II power supply top slot adaptor could contact the powerful Pierre eBay store who could be willing to purchase it.

Link to 3D Print files

Which Comms Link Server are you using?

Build 303_&_304

Get ORG-Link and Instructions from the developers web-site (here)

CL.EXE in DosBOX (here)

Psi2Win Instructions

Manual Psi2Win.pdf

Jaaps Comms Link

Jaaps Using CommsLink.pdf

Connection Tips


SendAll  (Cut & Paste)

sendall:LOCAL remote$(8),local$(14),b$(4),m$(13),p$(1),type%,len%,m%,ok%REM Adaptation of the SENDALL program in the RepublishedREM Comms Link Manual modified to sendall from any pack A:, B: or C:REM Martin Reid 2000m$="SENDALL to PC"CLSAT 4,1 :PRINT m$PRINT CHR$(25)m%=MENUN(2,"A:,B:,C:,QUIT")IF m%=0 or m%=4 : RETURN :ENDIFp$=CHR$(64+m%)AT 4,1 :PRINT m$AT 4,2 :PRINT "Busy.."PRINT CHR$(25)local$=DIRW$(p$+":*.*")WHILE local$<>""  b$=RIGHT$(local$,4)  len%=LEN(local$)-4  local$=LEFT$(local$,len%)  remote$=RIGHT$(local$,(len%-2))  IF b$=".ODB"    type%=0  ELSEIF b$=".OPL"    type%=1  ELSEIF b$=".DIA"    type%=2  ELSEIF b$=".COM"    type%=4  ELSEIF b$=".PLN"    type%=5  ELSEIF b$=".PAG"    type%=6  ELSEIF b$=".NTS"    type%=16  ENDIF  IF local$="C:MAIN" OR local$="B:MAIN" :ok%=0:ELSE :ok%=1 :ENDIF  IF ok%=1  AT 1,4 :PRINT "Send",local$;b$;CHR$(26)   XTSEND:(remote$,local$,type%)  ENDIF  local$=DIRW$("")ENDWHAT 4,2:PRINT "      "AT 1,4:PRINT "Job done EXE returns" :GET

GetFile (Cut & Paste)

GETFILE:LOCAL remote$(8),local$(14),m$(14),mess$(20),x%,m%,t%REM LZ Procedure, Get a file Off the PC, Martin ReidREM File types OB5 (spreadsheet), ODB Diary etcREM NTS Notepad Text file, OB4 CommsLink SetUp fileONERR halt::m$="GetFILE off PC"START::CLSAT 4,1 :PRINT m$PRINT CHR$(25)m%=MENUN(2,"Plan.OB5,Diary.ODB,Notes.NTS,A:Main.ODB,CommsLink.OB4,QUIT")IF     m%=1 :t%=5 :mess$="SpreadSheet.OB5 file"ELSEIF m%=2 OR m%=4 :t%=0 :mess$="Diary/Main.ODB files"ELSEIF m%=3 :t%=16 :mess$="  NotePad.NTS file"ELSEIF m%=5 :t%=4 :mess$=" CommsLink.OB4 File"ELSE   RETURNENDIFCLSAT 4,1 :PRINT m$AT 1,2 :PRINT mess$PRINT CHR$(25)filename::AT 1,4: PRINT "file:"; :INPUT remote$x%=LOC(remote$,".") :IF x%>0 :GOTO filename:: :ENDIFIF UPPER$(remote$)="QUIT" OR remote$="" GOTO START::ENDIFlocal$="A:"+remote$AT 1,4 :PRINT "Busy..        "XTRECV:(remote$,local$,t%)GOTO START::halt::ONERR OFFCLS :PRINT "Stop. Program Error."AT 1,3 :PRINT ERR$(err)IF ERR=194 :PRINT "REPLACE BATTERY" :PAUSE -25 :OFF :ENDIFGETRETURN

Data Systems "Rugged Organiser" case incorporating a Comms Link

User Instructions and information leaflet


Psion Organiser II users who would like to comment or are looking for further information or instructions can leave a message for Martin