
I am a labour economist, working on topics related to human capital, labour supply and family and gender economics. 

I am currently working as a senior economist at the research department of the Bank of Italy, Households and Labour Market Division. 

I am also a research associate at the Centre of Economic Performance (LSE), a research affiliate at IZA (Institute of Labour Economics), a research fellow at the Fondazione Rodolfo DeBenedetti and at the GLO (Global Labour Organization)

In 2016 I received my PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics.


New working paper: Mom'out: Employment after Childbirth and Firm-level Responses, with Francesca CartaAlessandra Casarico and Salvatore Lattanzio.

My paper The Forward-Looking Effect of Increasing the Full Retirement Age, with F. Carta, is now forthcoming at the Economic Journal.

Contact Details:

Bank of Italy, Department of Economics and Statistics

via Nazionale 91, 00184, Rome

E-Mail: marta.dephilippis@bancaditalia.it; marta.dephilippis@gmail.com

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