The "Island Net"

Two Island mailing lists/websites

There are now two Island mailing lists/websites: MI Nextdoor (MI ND) and Yahoo.

There are 481 subscribers on MI ND as of 11/13/2016. There are 283 subscribers on the Yahoo list but I estimate 200-250 are ALSO on MI ND leaving about 30-50 who only subscribe to the Yahoo list.

Please click this link to join – During your registration process, ND will offer you optional things you can do - like inviting your Island friends and neighbors to join, or making an introductory post. If you don't wish to do that or the other options at this time, just click the "Skip" button. Call me at 385-0105 if you need help.

If you have already subscribed to MI ND, invite your Island friends and neighbors to join you. Just go to, and click on “Invite” in the upper right corner.

I'm not encouraging MI ND subscribers to duplicate their posts on the Yahoo list although they may if they wish. Duplicate postings may become annoying to both the sender and readers. The sooner everyone registers on MI ND the sooner we can close out the Yahoo list, eliminate the need to duplicate posts and move to the Island Net on MI ND.

I will conduct up to three weekly demo/class/tours of Nextdoor at our home (824 Schwartz Road) IF there are more than 4 attendees at each. The days/times will be Tuesday (1 pm to 2 pm), Wednesday (7 pm to 8 pm) and Sunday (1 pm to 2 pm). Please REPLY or call 385-0105 to RSVP. If you would like to bring your laptops, you can connect to our Wi-Fi. We’ll start with Q&A then I’ll give you a tour of Nextdoor’s features and our MI ND.

If you wish to subscribe to the Yahoo list, send an email to to request to subscribe. You will receive a separate email asking you to state 1) I heard about this website from … and 2) I live at or own property at ...


