Mireia Marimon Tarter
Postdoctoral Researcher, Developmental Psycholinguistics
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie framework (MSCA-PF) at the Center for Brain and Cognition at Pompeu Fabra University (Speech Acquisition and Perception Group, PI: Prof. Sebastián-Gallés). My project is about statistical learning in bilingual infants and infants at risk for language disorders.
Previously I worked in the Crossing Project funded by the DFG at the University of Potsdam (PI: Prof. Wartenburger, Höhle) in the Department of Neurocognition of Language and in the Developmental Psycholinguistics group (PI: Prof. Boll-Avetisyan). After that I did a research stay at Prof. Sundara's lab at UCLA, California, to work on morphology acquisition. I completed my PhD in Linguistics (specialization Language Development) at the University of Potsdam (Berlin, Germany) in the Marie Curie ITN PredictAble Project under the supervision of Prof. Höhle and Dr. Nazzi).
I have been the coordinator of the Kinder Schaffen Wissen Social Media Team and member of the Task Force (2021-2023), lecturer at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) (2020-2023), collaborator in the ManyBabies Project (MB3N) and member of the Study Comission at the Linguistics Department at the University of Potsdam (2021-2023).
Research interests
My work mainly focuses on early speech perception and word segmentation in typically and atypically developing children. I'm particularly interested on how infants extract words from fluent speech, how these mechanisms interact with prosody and phonological encoding, and how they relate to later language development. Part of my work also focuses on the methodological aspects of infant research, such as the reliability of behavioral methods, individual differences and web-based data collection.
In Potsdam I supported two projects: the DFG-funded “Crossing The Borders” Project, which explores the interplay of language, cognition and the brain in early human development, and the “Toytest” project, based on developing a new method aimed at detecting a risk for developmental language disorders.
Funding and awards
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (2023-2025). LingStats project, grant agreement 101108884. Horizon-MSCA-2022-PF.
Postdoc Prize from Brandenburg in Human and Social Sciences 2022, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur (Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of Brandenburg, Germany)
KoUP Cooperation Funding 2021 - Organization of the workshop "Collaboration in Methods on Infant Studies" with HSE University (Moscow, Russia). Collaborator: Anastasiya Lopukhina.
Labex EFL - 3-month Mobility Grant (Paris, France). Research stay: April - June 2019.
Teaching experience (I really enjoy it!)
Two classes on Psychobiology of Language, Basic Cognitive Neuroscience (winter semester 24/25) - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Advanced Topics in Language Acquisition (winter semester 19/20, summer semester 21/22) - University of Potsdam (co-teacher: Prof. Boll-Avetisyan)
Psychology of Language (summer semester 20/21)- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Labvanced Seminar (summer semester 20/21) - University of Potsdam (co-teacher: Dr. Zaccarella)
Master Thesis supervision, Master in Learning Difficulties and Language Disorders (2019 - present) - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
International Teaching Professionals course 2019 (Potsdam Graduate School)