Computer science research and development engineer for life science

Professional situation [old CV]

I was a research and development engineer in computer science with a specialisation in artificial intelligence. I am now retired.

I worked at INRAE, a French research institute focusing on scientific questions related to Agriculture, Food and Environment in MIAT (Applied Mathematics and Computer Science) unit of Toulouse INRAE Center.

When I joined INRA in 1987, I was member of the newly created Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. A few years later, the lab was integrated in the Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence (BIA) unit. Lately, in 2013, the name of the research unit was changed to MIAT (Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Toulouse).

In the 90s, I was member of a team with a problematic close to the one of the old MAD (Modelisation of agro-ecosystems and Decision) team: modelisation/ simulation of dynamic systems and intelligent agents, optimization and exploration of complex models, decision under uncertainty and Markov Decision Processes (MDP), analyse and decision in spatial models on graph.

In 2000, I began to be involved in the problematic of the other team of the unit, that is the SaAB (Statistics and Algorithms for Biology) team : localization and identification of functional elements in bacterial, plant and animal genomes.

Since 2013, the main part of my activities is again related to optimisation of sequential decisions under uncertainty with Markov Decision Processes. I am now a member of the SCIDYN team.

Transversely of my activity, I am interested in the agile software development movement since the early 2000s and in the reproducible research question in scientific computing since 2013.