Welcome to my personal web-page,
I am currently working as economist at the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment in Milan. I am also working as adjunct professor in Industrial Organization and Antitrust at the Law School, University of Padova.
The main topics of my research activities are consumer behavior, Industrial Organization and the liberalization of energy retail markets.
My Instagram profile is bocatchy. Here's my LinkedIn profile.
Short Bio [full CV]
2017-2022: Post-doc research fellow - University of Padova (Italy)
2018: Ph.D. in Economics - University of Bologna (Italy) [w/ visiting - University of Mannheim (Germany)]
2013: M.Sc. in Economic Theory and Econometrics, with honours - Toulouse School of Economics (France)
2012: M.Sc. in Economics, 110 summa cum Laude - University of Bologna (Italy)
2010: B.A. in Financial Economics, 110 summa cum Laude - University of Bologna (Italy) [w/ Erasmus program - Lund University (Sweden)]
Research Interests
Industrial Organization; Applied Microeconomic Theory; Competition Policy; Behavioural and Experimental Economics; Energy Markets.
mmagnani [at] arera [dot] it
AutoritĂ di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente
Piazza Cavour 5
20121 Milano