
" Working like your brain, as your mind ...

Probably the best sites for centuries ...

Top web control tools on tap !!! "

that is, if nothing Real Bad happens before, of course ???

Videos hilited in green color marker. Easy Navigation

combining pointer / cursor techniques with state of the art

hovering methods. Key issues as Money, War, Peace ...

are pinpointed, emphasized, given a priority status ... at

or you can choose different options & designs, apps,

and select priorities or activities of your own.

"Stress staring" / "No touch-Think only" holographic

technologies are being developed at many sites :

"Einstein' s Hell ??? / Schrödinger's Heaven ???", and

"Man is God ???", can become basic questions ??? GM

humans can live progressively 150, 250 years ..., more ???,

with prolonged youth & adulthood productive activity ???

Topics, issues, keywords, headlines, items, Big Questions,

subjects, matters, terms, themes, debates, events, reports,

papers, products, trade marks, companies, corp., biz ...,

music, arts, sports, stories, names ..., in many Languages ...

written, quoted, illustrated ..., prior to 2018, are sorted in the

order of priority considered by then as essential in many

Human Societies. This order changes sometimes / often /

daily / instantly, in micro-macro-holo-super-smartphones, in

Super Smart Apps, in a near Future, hiding anywhere, in

lenses, eyeglasses, earpieces, fake-nails, rings, bracelets,

clothing ..., with / without keyboard, mute / voice command ...,

instant photo flash / video rec of what you see / experience ...

For Backing or Sponsorship, search for Lobbying advice

in any relevant activity. Select your own websites, choose

Design options, if you prefer any ... This page is a sample

of the many Special4u Sites usable free of © and charge.

Anybody can access them freely, just to know better, for fun,

with PAT 's Better Knowledge. Also with Cloud + , API, AIA ...

It's much about your cognition, how your own Brain and Mind

might best sort out what you perceive, aware, awake, or not ...

Google, browse, Search, navigate, surf, with Super Apps,

learn, do business, meet people, have fun, sex, tell, inform ...,

or fake ... with Caricature, Picture retouching, Video tricks ...

Top Stuff 4u + Special Pages 4u + Many Internets 4u ??? ...



more more





Pin It







Google Bookmarks



Yahoo Mail



AOL LifeStream



AOL Mail










Sina Weibo


Kaixin Repaste






Many Internets 4u ???


Very long term data storage

at Google

by Pierre André THIBAULT = PAT

Internet Developer

+46 73 99 55 208 wetry2@gmail.com

at Google Search

IoT - People

Search for Internet Consultants in Word Tag Clouds

& Keywords-Colors Entanglement in the Special4u

Multi Internets4u Systems project :

Multi Internets of News Videos

Internets of all Individuals, since foetus inception

until death, with all characteristics, developments,

qualifications, activities, open & hidden assets ...,

internets of all Data Centres, Intelligence Agencies,

Internets of Brains & MInds,

Internets of Interests Groups,

Internets of Human Relations, Internets of Feelings,

Internets of Entertainments, Internets of Believers,

Internets of Sports, Arts, Books, Gambling, Games,

Sex, Prostitution, Espionage, Surveillance, Hacking,

Drones, Aviation, Airlines, Flying, Booking, Airports,

Cars, Trucks, Vehicles, Motors, Machines, Robots,

Internets of Nature, Biology, Genetics, Vegetals,

Insects, Animals, Humans, Birds, Fish, Species,

Internets of Sustainable Developments of Activities,

Infrastructure building, Product consum., Waste recycl. ...

Internets of Learning changing traditional schools,

Health Care Internets assisting traditional doctors,

Nations of Internets bigger than traditional states,

Internets of Social Trainers replacing politicians,

Internets of Migrations, Emigration, Immigration,

Internets of Peace, War, Economics, Money, Food,

Industries, Consumer Goods, Marketing, Sales, Biz,

Internets of Languages, Knowledge, Info, Search,

Internets of Travel, Tourism, Transport, Hotels, Resto,

Computers, Devices, Smartphones, Communications,

Internets of Science, R&D, Tech, HiTech, Electronics,

Energies, Natural Resources, Processing industries,

Quality of Life, Large Cities, Rural Development,

Water, Rivers, Lakes, Sea, Oceans, Earth +, Time,

Life +, Prehistory, History, Present Societies, NGO,

Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, Narcotics, Crime, Punishmt,

Internets of Quantum Science, Artificial Intelligence,

AGI, Robotics, New Materials, Graphene, New Energies ...

Internets for New.net, KTH,

CubeSat, NanoSat, SecSat ...

Satellites, CubeSat, TubeSat, Space Nodes based

internets systems, independent and free from earth

control and manipulating ...

Internets of Apps for Everything on Earth ...

Internets of Weather & Climate ...

Internets of Tectonic Plates & Earth Movements ...

Internets of Air & Oceans, Sea, Lakes, Rivers, Waters ...

Internets of Solar System & Outer Space ...

" ... that is, if nothing Real Big happens before ..."

by PAT about New Revolutions and EVOLUTION


Many Internets 4u ??? :

Early versions of this site since 1993 as follows :

First draft for 50MEGS in 1993, then at About 1994,

most of My Files were added 1995 to 1999,

Eurotours made 2002, Main Search Engines and

Web Brothers tried 1993 to 2008, some different

Front Pages designed 1994 to 2010, 2011, and

1998 to 2013 the Angelfire server was used as my

main site builder. Since 2014 Google Special4u

has been a Top Mega Site.

Nowadays, many internets 4u are being prepared,

as for example with the following architectures,

as you feel, Special Pages 4u ...

Operating Systems ( List ) WINDOWS UBUNTU

Very long term data storage