Manfred Lau

   School of Creative Media

   City University of Hong Kong

   Hong Kong

   office:   Room 7103 Creative Media Centre

   phone:  +852 3442 2209


I am looking for new PhD students and postdocs in the areas of computer graphics and human-computer interaction. If you are interested and you have previous publications in these areas, please email me your CV and tell me about your interests.

Manfred is an Assistant Professor in the School of Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. He was previously an assistant professor in the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University in the UK, and a post-doc researcher in Tokyo at the Japan Science and Technology Agency - Igarashi Design Interface Project. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, and his B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Yale University.

Manfred's research interests are in computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and digital fabrication. His recent research in the perception of 3D shapes uses crowdsourcing and learning methods for studying human perceptual notions of 3D shapes. His work in 3D modeling and fabrication focuses on building natural user interfaces for the layperson to model, design, and fabricate their own products. His Ph.D. thesis work explored a combination of motion planning techniques and captured data to generate realistic crowd animation for games and films.

Recent News:


Sketch Beautification: Learning Part Beautification and Structure Refinement for Sketches of Man-made Objects.
Deng Yu, Manfred Lau, Lin Gao, and Hongbo Fu.
IEEE TVCG (Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics), 2024.
To appear soon.

Sketch2Stress: Sketching with Structural Stress Awareness.
Deng Yu, Chufeng Xiao, Manfred Lau, and Hongbo Fu.
IEEE TVCG (Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics), 2023.
To appear soon.

A Lego Rewriting System for Fabricating 3D Models.
Manfred Lau.
SCULPT (Shape Creation Using Layouts, Programs, & Technology), part of the International Geometry Summit, 2023. PDF

Comparing Shape Representations for the Aesthetic Judgement of 3D Shape Pairs.
Kapil Dev, Letizia Palumbo, and Manfred Lau.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2023. PDF

Learning 3D Shape Aesthetics Globally and Locally.
Minchan Chen and Manfred Lau.
Pacific Graphics (Computer Graphics Forum), 2022. PDF

Learning Perceptual Aesthetics of 3D Shapes from Multiple Views.
Kapil Dev and Manfred Lau.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2022.  PDF

A Motion-Guided Interface for Modeling 3D Multi-functional Furniture.
Minchan Chen and Manfred Lau.
Pacific Graphics (Computer Graphics Forum), 2021. PDF

SketchDesc: Learning Local Sketch Descriptors for Multi-view   Correspondence.
Deng Yu, Lei Li, Youyi Zheng, Manfred Lau, Yi-Zhe Song, Chiew-Lan Tai,  and Hongbo Fu.

The Interestingness of 3D Shapes.
Manfred Lau and Luther Power.
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP), 2020.  PDF

A Data-Driven Creativity Measure for 3D Shapes.
Manfred Lau and Luther Power.
ISVC, 2020.  PDF

Tactile Sketch Saliency.
Jianbo Jiao, Ying Cao, Manfred Lau, and Rynson Lau.
ACM Multimedia, 2020.  ACM Digital Library Page

Font Specificity.
Luther Power and Manfred Lau.
Eurographics, Short Papers, 2019.   EG Library Page

Schelling Meshes.
Luther Power and Manfred Lau.
Eurographics, Short Papers, 2019.   EG Library Page

A Human-Perceived Softness Measure of Virtual 3D Objects.
Manfred Lau, Kapil Dev, Julie Dorsey, and Holly Rushmeier.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 2018.  ACM Digital Library Page

 Stress-Oriented Structural Optimization for Frame Structures.
Shuangming Chai, Baiyu Chen, Mengyu Ji, Zhouwang Yang, Manfred Lau, Xiao-Ming Fu, and Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models, 2018. PDF
International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization, 2017. Best Paper Award

Schelling Meshes.
Luther Power and Manfred Lau.
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP), Poster, 2017.     

Polygons, Points, or Voxels? Stimuli Selection for  Crowdsourcing Aesthetics Preferences of 3D Shape Pairs.
Kapil Dev, Nic Villar, and Manfred Lau.
Expressive (Computational Aesthetics), 2017.  PDF

  A Perceptual Aesthetics Measure for 3D Shapes.
Kapil Dev, Manfred Lau, and Ligang Liu.
arXiv, 2016.   arXiv page

Tactile Mesh Saliency.
Manfred Lau, Kapil Dev, Weiqi Shi, Julie Dorsey,  and Holly Rushmeier.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016.  PDF

Tactile Mesh Saliency via Deep Ranking.
Manfred Lau, Kapil Dev, Weiqi Shi, Julie Dorsey,  and Holly Rushmeier.
Symposium on Computational Fabrication, Poster, 2016.

 Learning a Human-Perceived Softness Measure of Virtual Objects.
Manfred Lau, Kapil Dev, Julie Dorsey, and Holly Rushmeier.
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP), 2016.  PDF

Improving Style Similarity Metrics of 3D Shapes.
Kapil Dev, Kwang In Kim, Nicolas Villar, and Manfred Lau.
Graphics Interface, 2016.  PDF

StandUp: Understanding Body-Part and Gestural Preferences  for First-Person 3D Modeling.
Kapil Dev, Nicolas Villar, and Manfred Lau.
SBIM (Expressive), 2016.  PDF

Magnetic Files: Exploring Tag Based File Systems  Using Embodied Files.
David Gullick, Paul Coulton, and Manfred Lau.
IEEE Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction  (TEI) Work-in-Progress, 2015.  ACM Digital Library Page

Democratizing Digital Content Creation Using Mobile Devices  with Inbuilt Sensors.
Kapil Dev and Manfred Lau.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications magazine, 2015. IEEE Page

MixFab: A Mixed-Reality Environment for Personal Fabrication.
Christian Weichel, Manfred Lau, David Kim, Nicolas Villar, and Hans Gellersen.
ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2014.
Best Paper Award. Top 1% of submissions. ACM Digital Library Page

Enclosed: A Component-Centric Interface for Designing  Prototype Enclosures.
Christian Weichel, Manfred Lau, and Hans Gellersen.
International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied  Interaction (TEI), 2013. ACM Digital Library Page

Digital Fabrication.
Manfred Lau, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi.
IEEE Computer, 2012.  PDF  IEEE Computer Page

Sketching and Prototyping Personalized Objects: From Teapot Lids to Furniture to Jewelry.
Manfred Lau, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi.
National Conf. on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacture, 2012. PDF

Sixth Sense Transport: Challenges in Supporting Flexible Time  Travel.
Nigel Davies, Manfred Lau, Chris Speed, Tom Cherrett, Janet Dickinson, and Sarah Norgate.
International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and   Applications (HotMobile), 2012.   ACM Digital Library Page

Situated Modeling: A Shape-Stamping Interface with Tangible  Primitives.
Manfred Lau, Masaki Hirose, Akira Ohgawara, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi.
International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), 2012. Project Page

Converting 3D Furniture Models to Fabricatable Parts and Connectors.
Manfred Lau, Akira Ohgawara, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 30(4), 85, 2011. Project Page

Automatic Learning of Pushing Strategy for Delivery of Irregular-Shaped Objects.
Manfred Lau, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011.  PDF  Video (YouTube)

SketchChair: An All-in-one Chair Design System for End Users.
Greg Saul, Manfred Lau, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi.
International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), 2011. Project Page

Scalable Precomputed Search Trees.
Manfred Lau and James Kuffner.
International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2010.
Invited Paper. PDF

Modeling-in-Context: User Design of Complementary Objects with a Single Photo.
Manfred Lau, Greg Saul, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi.
ACM Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM), 2010.
Best Paper Award. Project Page   Video (YouTube)

Face Poser: Interactive Modeling of 3D Facial Expressions Using Facial Priors.
Manfred Lau, Jinxiang Chai, Ying-Qing Xu, and Harry Shum.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2010), 29(1), 3, 2009.
Project Page   Video (YouTube)

Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Motion Data.
Manfred Lau, Ziv Bar-Joseph, and James Kuffner.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA), 28(5), 171, 2009.
Project Page   Video (YouTube)

Animation Theatre piece on Behavior Planning.
Manfred Lau, James Kuffner, and Moshe Mahler.
Eurographics Animation Theatre, 2007.
Animation Page

Face Poser: Interactive Modeling of 3D Facial Expressions Using Model Priors.
Manfred Lau, Jinxiang Chai, Ying-Qing Xu, and Harry Shum.
ACM Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 161-170, 2007.
Project Page

Precomputed Search Trees: Planning for Interactive Goal-Driven Animation.
Manfred Lau and James Kuffner.
ACM Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 299-308, 2006.
Project Page

Footstep Planning for the Honda ASIMO Humanoid.
Joel Chestnutt, Manfred Lau, German Cheung, James Kuffner, Jessica Hodgins, and Takeo Kanade.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2005.
Project Page

Behavior Planning for Character Animation.
Manfred Lau and James Kuffner.
ACM Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 271-280, 2005.
Project Page  Image used in "Planning Algorithms" Textbook