Research Interest

My research interests are in understanding the microphysics of  clouds and rain.   

The interaction of aerosols with clouds and the subsequent formation of precipitation is very important.  To understand these physical processes, IITM, Pune has conducted aircraft observations to measure aerosol and cloud properties during the Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX).  I use aircraft observations of clouds and aerosol to understand the formation process of drizzle/raindrops in the convective cloud.

To understand rain microphysics we use several in-situ observations. The measurements made by Joss-Waldvodgel Disdrometer, 2D Video disdrometer and  Micro Rain Radar offer unique opportunities to understand rain physics. 

Another research area is on understanding long time variability of monsoonal rainfall over the Indian subcontinent.  

A future goal I am carrying in my mind is to conduct a scientific experiment in a remote corner of India. 

Other Primary Interest

I take a keen interest to learn about butterflies and birds. I find satisfaction in learning what are the different types of flora and fauna available over a region or around the place where we live. Wherever I go, I carry a camera and try to document the natural history of that particular region. You may like to see the images of butterflies I contributed here.  

Publication list




All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.
