The ninth "Continuing Education in Macroeconometrics" (CEM) Workshop will be held as part of a Joint Workshop in Macroeconomics with "Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models" (EDMM) on 21-22 November in Adelaide.

Workshop Program

Masterclass Speakers:

Bruce Preston (UNSW Sydney) - EDMM

Sarah Zubairy (Texas A&M) - CEM

Guido Ascari (University of Pavia and De Nederlandsche Bank) - CEM

Organising Committee for CEM: 

James Morley (University of Sydney)

Qazi Haque (University of Adelaide)

Benjamin Wong (Monash University)

Firmin Doko Tchatoka (University of Adelaide)

See the joint Call for Papers. Submission deadline is 15 September.

Also see the University of Adelaide's webpage for the joint workshop.