Inter-level transfer workshop

Venue: Room 413, Kern Graduate Building, Penn State

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Thursday 6 April 2017

9-10am Keynote Carl Craver (Philosophy, Washington University in Saint Louis): Interfield integration, interdisciplinary invention of neuroimaging.

10-11am Etienne Sibille (Neuroscience, University of Toronto): Graph theory and functional integration across biological levels in psychiatric disorders.

11am-12pm Edward Green (Economics, Penn State): Game theory as a study of cognition.

Friday 7 April 2017

9-10am Georg Northoff (Philosophy and Neuroscience, University of Ottawa): Do the spatiotemporal features of the brain’s neural activity link its different levels? The brain’s inner time and space and its mental features.

10-11am Catherine Belzung (Neuroscience, University of Tours): From symptoms to disease. Inter-level transfer in absence of natural kinds.

11am-12pm Etienne de Villemeur (Economics, University of Lille): Aggregation in economics, destructive and constructive.