Welcome to Marius Andruh

Post date: Jan 8, 2014 12:42:25 PM

Professor Marius Andruh, of the University of Bucharest,joins us until the end of January as an Invited Professor of the University of Bordeaux 1. Welcome!

Professor Andruh is Chair of the Inorganic Chemistry Department at the University of Bucharest and Professor in Coordination Chemistry. He studied Chemistry at the University of Bucharest and received his doctorate in 1988, under the supervision of the late Professor Maria Brezeanu. He spent one year as a post-doc in Orsay with Professor Olivier Kahn and one and a half year in Göttingen, as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow, in the group of Professor Herbert W. Roesky. His major research interests are focused on metallosupramolecular chemistry, molecular magnetism, with a special emphasis to molecule-based nanomagnets, and crystal engineering. He is a member of the Romanian Academy (2001), of the Academia Europaea (2004), and of the European Academy of Sciences (2010). Marius Andruh was a visiting Professor at several Universities (Bordeaux, Göttingen, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Angers, Manchester, Brno, Jena, Paris, Valencia, Niteroi - Brazil). He was awarded the Gauss Professorship from the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (2006), and the Nenitzescu-Criegee lectureship by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (2008/2009). He authored over 220 papers, which received more than 4800 citations (h index = 36).