Welcome to Dr. Yunnan Guo

Post date: Nov 4, 2013 10:43:34 AM


2009 - 2013: Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry Changchun, China, Supervisor: Prof. Jinkui Tang

2006 - 2009: Master of Science in Physical Chemistry, Fuzhou University Fuzhou, China

2002 - 2006: Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering and Technology

Awards and Honors

2012: Principal's Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2010 - 2011: Tang Aoqing Chemistry Scholarship

2011: The Royal Society of Chemistry & Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

2011: Award of Academic Forum in Chemistry of GUCAS (Graduate University of Chinese Academy Of Sciences), the 2nd grade

2010 - 2012: Excellent Student, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Author or co-author of 31 publications published in refereed journals (h factor: 8, 265 citations as of 10/19/2012)