
I have a broad interest in macroeconomics, with a focus on understanding the interaction of belief heterogeneity and wealth distribution.


Information and Inequality (Journal of Economic Theory

Risk, Uncertainty and the Dynamics of Inequality (Journal of Monetary Economics, with Kenneth Kasa) [online appendix]

"Wait and See" or "Fear of Floating"? (Macroeconomic Dynamics, with Dong Lu and Kenneth Kasa) 

"Wait and See” Monetary Policy  (Macroeconomic Dynamics, with Michael Tseng)

Working Papers and Work in Progress

How do stock market experiences shape wealth inequality?   [Media Coverage: World Bank Blog]

Risk, Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship  (with Chenchuan Shi)

Oil Price and Inequality  (with Xiaohan Ma)

Disagreement and Macro Announcement Day Returns  (with Zhenzhen Fan) 

The rise of the two-working-parent family (with Geoffrey Dunbar)